Hortense's Challenge

The gryphon screeched as he flapped his large wings and stepping forward.

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Bigger, Badder... Crazier

griffin (orange and black striped tiger) & zander (grey wolf)- coworkers and currently dating. "i still can't believe they made me lose weight before we came on here." griffin says. "i like my gut bigger." "griffin, you're still 395 pounds."

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Chapter 38

While the griffon screamed in pain and anger, rentor swooped towards the blade. phanes regained his senses and let out a wave of energy, hitting everyone in the stadium.

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The Gryphon's Goal: Chapter 1, Part 1

#1 of the gryphon's goal here's part one of the gryphon's goal. our hero, so to speak, is a gryphon named larry who just so happens to be a high school soccer player. so there's going to be the occasional soccer game.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 12: Quicksilver's Silver Shadow!

That griffin." takeshi obata said. " griffin? who? " lazz asked. " that female griffin that can heal others using her g.o.n." takeshi obata said. "all the griffin soldiers i've seen have been male."

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Rukhgert Stern, the griffin. (Chapter 7)

The griffin grabbed a fluffy brush from scaly hands but sat next to his friend. over the past six months, liz's perseverance has not gone, as has griffin stubbornness. 'i have not heard that one of your relatives also has abilities.'

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Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 4

_ _i hadn't thought of griffin._ "luna!" "y... yeah?" "griffin! the litwicks could be around him!"

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 14: The Return....

The griffin didn't bother to turn and acknowledge the dragoness, cloaked in shadows as she was, it would be futile to do so.

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I stifle a chuckles aware the gryphon was trying to be polite by trying everything.

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Watch Out Australia, Here Comes The Racers

"where are griffin & zander?" "over here, toner!" zander calls over from another room. toner walks over to them and is shocked by what he sees. "what the?" he stutters. griffin sits on the floor shirtless with zander massaging his belly.

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Carry a Ride (Otherwise Untitled)

The view screen in front of the gryphon was a flicking projection of the grassy plains outside overlaid with collections of error messages and warning symbols.

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Dinner and Game (Otherwise Untitled)

His tone, well worn through the familiar recitation, shifted to the bouncy tone the gryphon always expected of the fennec. "any questions?... none?... good! lead healer?", he passed the discussion over to the gryphon.

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