Evolution Part I: Chapter Two

For the betterment of my social and psychological wellbeing, the four dogs of the litter, including myself, were moved to a large communal kennel away from where the brooding bitches were housed individually. There, all the other male pups were housed,...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter One

If you haven't guessed it yet, i'm a dog, a golden retriever to be exact, or at least mostly. more than half certainly, though the breeding gets rather complicated the further back you go.

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Nothing Will Hurt You

I could only make out the golden yellow fur. it must be one of the guards. the ones native to the tribe, at least. my head runs wild with all the things that's going to happen next, none of them pleasant. as i do, the golden retriever walks over to me.

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Eiko, the shy and timid Golden chapter 2

Kayla was quite serious for once, even though she was laughing at the obvious blush beneath the golden fur on eiko's face. ''i don't care how you look down there, and i sure don't care if you see me naked either.''

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Chapter 3- The First Rehearsal

Alright, here goes Chapter Three. To those who don't know, choirs are usually separated into four groups: Bass, Tenor, Alto, & Soprano. Our main character, Morgan, is a Bass1, otherwise known as a Baritone. I say this now to avoid confusion later....

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Semper Arame

The spotted dog and golden furred on nearly pissed themselves with laughter. they recovered by breathing heavily and taking another draw from their mugs. "so what do you think of our glorious class commander?"

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A Golden Light on Cold Grey Stone

A golden light on cold grey stone, reflected off two dragons, prone. a silver and a red they were, and in the morning light one stirred. a loud yawn broke the peaceful silence, sharp teeth reflecting light like diamonds.

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Golden girl of Wagstaff: Chapter 3

#3 of golden girl of wagstaff dog girl wonders about inter species love. the lorraine household could be described with a single word: average.

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Chapter Eleven Golden Orange Memories

In my desperation i grabbed a power from within me and let loose golden orange flames that disintegrated her. if i hadn't done that i would've lived had he been able to heal me.

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Burned Memories (Part 3)

Lucien caught sight of the fox glancing over to hound every now and again, his cheeks turning slightly red when he saw the golden labrador looking.

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A Forlorn Love Part 1

Long, golden hair that reached her shoulders and the prettiest set of dark brown eyes you've ever seen. she was of average height and had a slender yet curvy body. i was madly in love with her, and she knew it.

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The guests consisted of two animals, a golden retriever named gio (giovanni), and a husky (obviously adam). "hey adam, what the hell took you guys so long?" giovanni answered in a tenor voice, "fucking train caused us to wait like, twenty minutes."

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