Sen Part 1

It was morning, and as the bright sun rose over the edge of the stepped platu, a young ferret, no older then fourteen years of age lay back against a enormous oak which was itself, was centered in the middle of a bustling market . legs crossed, he had dozed

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Duty Chapter 21: Try or Die

Looking around, alex saw a collage of petrified teenagers from ages fourteen to eighteen. some were sobbing, others were praying. most only sat there, face in their hands and elbows on their knees, just waiting. waiting for help or waiting for death.

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Home Sweet Farm

Sarah was a hyperactive one, she was only fourteen and yet she was a inventor although many of her experiments go very wrong, she had cat ears and a tail. she had blonde hair and light orange fur, and her eyes shined like the beautiful blue sea.

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The Dream

Yes mama this is an average specimen though a young one some were between the age of fourteen and sixteen years old. four foot tall short fur coloring of the typical earth lupen.

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Wolf Moon Chap 5

fourteen down nineteen more i thought to myself. then i looked and about six had swords. how didn't i see or smell it earlier. most of them didn't even know how to use the sword, but one was almost as good as me i changed back in to human form.

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Dungeons & Adders CH13

"you and piav are fourteen now.", the librarian began, slowly powdering and oiling the ferret's diaper area. "you're both at your prime attractiveness to a goodbeast master or mistress."

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#15 of thick and thick series almost to our last group, with number fourteen rukai! the gluttonous dragon has to go out to eat, as he needs to show off his recent gains... though that draws some unwanted attention. enjoy! rukai had always been unique.

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Yu Yu Hakusho chapter 1

"fourteen this week equals five hundred ninety four in total." "don't count your chickens before they hatched." another man said, this one more lithe than the others and very lanky.

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Decades - Chapter Two

Now though, fourteen years old and now truly beginning the transition from child to teenager, this friendship they shared was on the cusp of becoming something else. something more.

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Splintered Light, Chapter 5.1: The Jiuyani Confusion

"fourteen bowls? how could anyone finish fourteen bowls in one sitting? they weren't full, were they?" uben shrugged. "mr. chen joins him every morning... the cat had three."

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Chiricov- Back Story: Part 1

fourteen years in real life.) lake rinehart... i fell down and skated across the frozen surface. my mom and dad laughed good naturedly as they helping me up.

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At age fourteen he doubted anyone would want to adopt him and when someone did he would stay in his room waiting for them to leave knowing he would be there for four more years even more but life was about to take a turn for the better for young alex and this