Chiricov- Back Story: Part 1

Story by LoneWolf277 on SoFurry

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#6 of Chiricov


Ok, just so everyone knows. This backstory is ALMOST a carbon copy of what happened to my Real parents. So this is a very emotional chapter for me to write. Anyways, this is a very important part of the Story.


Part 1

Back Story

(This Story Takes Place Twenty Four Years in the Past... Fourteen Years in Real Life.)

Lake Rinehart... I fell down and skated across the frozen surface. My mom and dad laughed good naturedly as they helping me up. At 3 years old I was unsure of how to walk on ice, as we lived on the opposite side of Ocea, where the temperatures were usually above eighty degrees. We were on our annual family vacation, away from the bustling city; at peace in this barren world. This very place, where Alpha Division was soon to be based, was the place of my first and most tragic memory.

My mom and dad, both Irish furs were bundled in large parkas, as was I. They protected us greatly from the cold. As I lifted myself back onto my feet; I stopped and looked at an object in the distance. It was a strange vehicle, what, twenty-four years later I learned to be called a Puma, parked in the tree line of the lake. Two furs sat quietly, unmoving in the seats of the strange car. Two furs, as still as statues, as if they were made of stone. I looked at them, staring directly at the one in the driver's seat. I could just make out his shape, it was a grey wolf.

I shrugged; thinking nothing of the 2 furs on the edge of the lake. I got up and jumped on my dad; hugging his arm and latching myself there. He giggled, and playfully tried to shake me off. I slipped off taking another spill onto the ice. I looked back; the 2 furs and vehicle were gone.

We were not far away from our log cabin; built and frozen into the ice. Our summer vacation home... I shrieked as I saw it, excited as we neared the door. My dad, a high-up diplomat was out of his usual serious character, everyone needs a vacation here and there. My mom was tired though; a long hike, plus the fact that she was baring my other brother in her womb.

A few more steps to the door... that's where everything turned to a living hell. The house exploded into a ball of flames; sending debris flying in all directions. All three of us were launched off our feet from the shock wave. I was still conscious, and I tried to stand, but I couldn't. I crawled over to my mother, now lying on the ice in a pool of red blood. The color drained from my face as I place a shaking paw over her, unable to believe that she was gone.

Then I heard the scream of an engine. I looked back to see the same strange vehicle barreling down on me. I kneeled there, petrified, unable to do anything. This vehicle then skidded to a stop and out stepped two grey wolves. The one on the driver's side was very unique, as he was missing an eye, and had a long scar raked over where his eye should have been. They didn't see ma at first and the walked over to my fallen dad.

I looked at him and gasped. There was a chunk of wood protruding from his stomach. They knelt next to him; placing a gun against his forehead. The one eyed wolf made the sign of the cross over my father's still living, closed his eyes, and pulled the trigger.

"NO!" I screamed as my eyes went wide with terror.

The one eyed wolf's head snapped to attention and his eye glared at me. I got a good look at his face examining every detail; shame that twenty-four years later, I didn't remember it. He approached me, and just stared with lifeless eyes.

"Sorry, kid." He said with zero emotion.

He flipped the gun around; holding the pistol by the barrel. He just stared and drew his arm back. It descended on my head, snapping it back, and sending my flying across the ice. I groaned as I looked through my clouded vision. The two wolves walked calmly back to the strange vehicle, started the engine, and simply drove off. My parents' lifeless bodies, drowning in a pool of blood, just laying there. My eyes slowly closed as my vision blurred to a darkness, as I passed out on the ice. I was going to die here, I thought.