Shaga - Étudier sur le terrain

Dans un sens, j'imagine que sa fille lui manque, mais de m'avoir près de lui... ça lui rappelle que tu n'es plus vraiment sa fille... complétais-je. julien fit oui de la tête.

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Horizion (Steel Beast)

Tears filled his eyes, yet went unnoticed. his vision was blurred, his mind jumbled and only disorientation greeted him in his awakening.

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Hedona Chapter 1 - Worlds Apart

It helped his mind push aside any notion of the cold silence that currently filled the chamber.

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Spiral Nebula - Prologue

He was watching one of the many screens filled with static and hostile icons surrounding a massive mass, the planet.

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Even with a whole apple filling that busy maw he took two more bites from a second.

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A Redemption of the Soul - Chapter 8

Under his hood the stranger smiled widely, a savage happiness filling his whole body. this would so much easier now they both shared a common goal. "the purple one? why, that liar, that pathetic hoax!

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Kings of the Savanna

"you know his habits; you see how much that lard-filled lion eats. you know that this will be enough to fill him more than he's ever been filled before," wanda smiled slyly, "you just have to make sure he eats it all."

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The Shadowed Canvas (Short Story.)

The scent of the sea filled his thoughts, and the sounds of laughter near them dug into his mind. "donovan?" donovan's heart sunk, as he turned towards her voice. "melodie?"

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Electric Blue Vial

A wolf masked figure walked forward filling the syringe with an electric blue liquid.


Hard Rain

A lovely smell filled the air, which he traced to a cup, filled with some sort of beverage that sat neatly on a tray on the coffee table. tyco's ear flicked. a noise; tapping of shoe on tile. turning his head, he saw a woman enter the room.

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Flurries of voices and sound effects filled the house and he leaned forward, excitement filling his body. suddenly, when everything seemed perfect, the front door flew open with a thud.

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