life with a dragon chapter three
Then, with a loud bang, something lets loose in the engine in joe's corvette, and the engine runs away. joe turns on his hazard lights but keeps going, leaving us in the dust once again.
Splintered Light, Ch 9.3: Pre-Planning the Post-Planning Planning
Personally, jacques didn't much like the idea of relying on the engine for anything other than emergency. while the wave rider had yet to use its engine the lynx was displeased with the noise it made and the smoke it sent into the air.
Episode 1B: Shakedown
"transfer all available power to shields and engines," harry said. "attention all hands, brace yourselves." the raptor's warp engines engaged and the raptor raced toward the center of the vortex.
Those bleary-eyed engineers were surprised when they monitored the dream, when they saw its setting.
Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (1)
Jeff pushed some buttons to shut down the engine while samantha moved the levers between them to push the engines speeds. " engine 3 on full speed !!!" said samantha. " engine 4 kerosene delivery is set off and fire extinction system is on!!!"
Second Stage
Cannon fire punched through her piranha's armour, and shredded her left engine. a super-loud ringing buzzer sounded and the computerised female voice shouted again. "alert! damage! engine, one is on fire!"
Make Room
In this case, chief and reg, long before the events of the engineers curse. when reg was still chief engineer and not yet captain of the lyandra, and chief was only a lowly engineer's mate. characters include..
The Story of Captain Padfoot, Part 2
"captain padfoot, this is chief daniels in main engineering, i would like to apologise for my outburst, and rest assured you will have full weapons by the time we enter the battle zone, engineering out" i let out a soft giggle as i imagine
The Verentti Chronicles - Chapter 1
Ratchet thought to himself as he ran from the panel to the back of the engine room, hopping to the ladder that led down to the lower engine decks. gripping the side bars with his paws and putting his feet to either side, he slid down the ladder.
Test Trial No. 1
She ran to the engineer just as he did to amya.
Future Vision: Chapter 9
The engines were a prototype which did not feed directly off the reactor, rather a large energy storage array, when then converted the energy it needed with the gas to ignite the engines.
Barren Earth part 4
Bounce it off & start the engines!" ships bounce off the atmosphere & engines come online.. "heelll yeaa!!!!" then all stops & the ships drifts to space, io "captain i'm getting some reading from the radar that enemy ships are coming fast on us.