Clash of the Guardians I
With the technology of cybernetic implants, any being could essentially become a reploid if they chose, although it was a rigorous and often dangerous procedure.
Bulma vs. Android 18! The Gassiest Under the Heavens!
Cyborg 18 replied with a smile, not suffering from fatigue due to her cybernetics. then, bulma smirked. "but, did you really think my old man's tech could net you the win?" 18's smile promptly vanished. "h-h-how did...?" "i've always known.
Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 13
Everyone looked confused until alex pointed out tenchi's right eye being blown apart, "your cybernetic eye has blown up." tenchi reached up and touched it before sighing, "awww. this is no good."
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 16
The husky was built like a brick house, and his cybernetics were on display. ''billy, i presume?'' trillian remarked. billy saluted crisply, clicking the heels of his digitigrade boots.
The Fate That Befell Yndyr: Chapter One
After the memorial for sy he had his blinded eye replaced with a cybernetic eye patch that would link directly into his thankfully undamaged optic nerve, allowing him to see again.
Eternal walt: Chapter 2
cybernetic. entity. or a.c.e. for short was the ships computer system. it was installed on ships who's owners could afford it. and luckily this wolf had been able to afford such things, as being in military service of iszan x paid quite well.
Wind of Change Epilogue
Another, an old scylla with cybernetic prosthetic arm, also touched down nearby, followed by his son, a royalty, by the looks of it, given his garb and personal guards. he was accompanied by the now adult aquros, who was his lover from another planet.
Part 3: Memories
#3 of chronicles of drias part 3 of the backgroundstory and life of drias, a normal average cheetah-anthro which ended up becoming a cybernetical hybrid.
A Still-Beating Heart
Two flexible transparent tubes that came from his mane; the brown griffin seemed normal, but had worn eye blockers, and then became a cloaked and dark-feathered figure before he returned to his normalcy; and lastly the dark-green crocodile who had become cybernetic
Sin Nombre
She hadn't any of the usual enhancements that you might see on a female her age and caste, none of the latest augmentations that you would need to get into the hottest soma spots in the city - no reflective iris implants, no obvious cybernetics to flaunt what
Recording of Azalea Rose's Birthing
_The following is a recording taken from the neural implant of Dr. ThornBrier PSD. Please note: The primary image blacking out and leaving only digital outlines and minor detail is unavoidable when the implant's user blinks as it is being recorded...
Clash of the Guardians II
His whiskers twitched while his cybernetically enhanced ears tried to discern between the noises of falling rocks, shocks, and ebbing water. "there!"