Lord of arms- Chapter 14

I'm going to make a contract with the white tiger, deity of west and gold in eastern beliefs. i know for a fact that white tigers have a higher chance at managing the contract with him.

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The Origin of Nevyn and Arzosah

"during a contract with a certain company me and my sister was paid to kill a wolf hybrid, but after several failed executions arzosah suggested that we should leave the contract unfinished and see if our former target have some job for us.

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The genie war

Anthony: but not in a contract. next time make a contract and have it authenticated by a judge. and never tell me that my word is bond. when did i give you this word? lantern: today a few hours before now. it was just within this day.

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The Adoptable

"if you examine your contract, you'll find that i can do what i want with you. as for why you? your retainer isn't much, but it adds up, and you appeared in more of my stories than any character."

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Resonance Universe (V2) - United States map

A brooding contract killer-for-hire and a male prostitute. two souls lost in lakertown's underworld, now must survive against an enemy who wants to see them bleed.

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2:22 Loose Ends

After his death, reece was contracted by the same greasy banker who had hired rainy. he wanted reece to finish the job, with an additional target; the son of a bitch who killed rainy.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.05: A Kirin's Origin - Ep07

"this is the contract to the deal we just discussed.

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Recording of Azalea Rose's Birthing

Rose groaned in pain as another wave of contractions displayed across hir body. a white chakat with black ear tips and black lower arms finished laying out the clean sheets.

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king stand e6

Jake puts in a card and an employment contract appears. " he has to give his oath to this contract." leon looked at it and sighed. " you heard him. if you want the third choice you got to do it."

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Insert Heroics Here - Chapter 1

"contract." she rolled her eyes and took a gulp of her tea. "what? a fur's gotta work." "what was the contract for?" those eyes stared into me over her cup. "you didn't kill anyone, did you?" "no, i don't do that unless it's in self-defense."

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Heart of Winter: DnD Game Lore

The dealmaker:_** (lawful evil) a spinner of words and contracts in a tangled and expansive web that may one-day envelop the world. while in truth a gargantuan spiderlike fey monstrosity.



€ impmon said and grunted in pain as the vines contracted around him as well.†this is nothing compared to what i’ve been through...heh…ack!†impmon cried out in pain as the vine contracted around him even more. â€get moving now renamon!

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