An Alternate Fursona (Character Sheet)
Random facts: - full name of character: aeneas daniel lopez. - reason, meaning, or purpose behind the name: ancient greek hero's name where the character fits my personality. - character's favorite color: prussian blue.
Jerry Archer character Bio.
So this is a character i wrote for a heathen city fan fic i made quite awhile ago. little note, this character is non-canon to alex vance's comic.
Character Sheet: Nathan Glassred
#1 of character sheets first of my character sheets, this is my main fursona. **name:** nathan glassred **species:** golduck/korean dragon **age:** 21 **likes:** vocaloid and utau music, fish, carrots, being in the water.
Character Sheet: Evan Lockwood
#2 of character sheets **name:** evan lockwood **species:** human/wolf **age:** 21 **likes:** music, fine clothes.
Character Sheet: Selen Shepard
#3 of character sheets **name:** selen shepard **species:** human/bat **age:** 19 **likes:** forbidden magic books. **dislikes:** death, witch hunters.
Character Sheet: Evei Petrov
#4 of character sheets pic is from my female version of evei in dragon nest mmo.
Character Sheet: Learco Shadowflower
#5 of character sheets no roses without thorns. **name:** learco shadowflower **species:** dark elf **age:** 52 **likes:** the moon, spiders, fungi, fireflies, berries. **dislikes:** sweets, high elves.
[Character Profile] Byaku-ou
 **Basic Info¤** ============================== »Name: Byaku-? »Birthdate: October 1st »Gender Type: Intersex »Nickname(s): Bya, Fuu...
[Character Profile] Suzaku-ou
 **Basic Info¤** ============================== »Name: Suzaku-? »Birthdate: July 1st »Gender Type: Male »Nickname(s): Suz, Suzu...
[Character Profile] Seiryu-ou
 **Basic Info¤** ============================== »Name: Seiryu-? »Birthdate: April 1st »Gender Type: Male »Nickname(s): Sei, Ryu-ou...
[Character Profile] Genbu-ou
 **¤Basic Info¤** ============================== »Name: Genbu-? »Birthdate: January 1st »Gender Type: Unknown »Nickname(s): Gen,...
Reptilia Squad main characters
**Lenin** **Race:** Reptilian (Varanus komodoensis) **Class:** Mangler (Merciless Warrior) **Height:** 2,3m (7m in length) **Weight:** 3t **Weapons of proficiency:** backswords, military rifles, heavy weapons and high tech guns **Mainstream...