A Dance with Thieves: A New Direction

Zyrnoth said, "i just thought you were going to break in and steal, announcing your presence as a cannibal thief." "give me a little credit, zy. i may not have that brain of yours, but i can come up with some good ideas."

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Born This Way: Chapter 11.5

I mean, seriously, i don't know how my mother didn't cannibalize us kids by that age with how we acted, but around thirteen my dad passed away and things went to hell.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 17: Breakfast

It was a memory, barely a passing moment faded in time, but something had reawaken in her, something bringing it back full force. Embryo had awoken one morning on her journey, her stomach rumbling in anticipation for Breakfast. She smelled it on the...

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cannibals? why should we?" i wasn't angry at the suggestion, but perplexed. "god can forgive any sin if we turn to him in sincere repentance," he said. "only he knows what is in the hearts of men, and only he is fit to judge them now.

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Six

It'd been a quick and dirty modification done right there in the park, cannibalizing parts from the enforcers' gas-propelled dart guns, and razor still wasn't entirely satisfied with the results, but as long as they worked, that was all that mattered.

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The Raurim Saga

It was a famine that was severe enough to where cannibalism was considered. six years would pass before the famine abated. by then the eska were reduced to almost nothing, their entire nation was crippled by it.

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Star Fox: Ascension #03 IMPRISONED

At least fox didn't have to worry about them being cannibals that wore your clothing after they finished you off with a burp. "so, why exactly did andross' men come here?"

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 43

How will you feel when you realise all you've been doing is cannibalizing yourself, piece by piece, your whole lives, as ivio has? how will you feel when you finally take a life and realise that you have destroyed your own in the process, as i have?

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Tale of the Dragon King: The Dragon Prince

And the survivors of these attacks have claimed they ate the dragons they captured, and some said that they weren't above cannibalism either.

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The Lost Arrow ch1, Zakkaision

"our shielding can be repaired with cannibalized parts from other systems. our weapons broke off during the crash so that system is gone. sensors can be repaired as they were barely damaged. the good news is that the medical bay is back on-line.

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 3

He couldn't stand eating foods he never eaten, especially from plants since he was a carnivore (but not a cannibal). he also became an awkward dancer since he never knew a dragon could dance (especially those with four legs).

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Journal of Zarek Heartfiekd: Finnick Follies

I talked to the local drake eldmother about what i should do, though her advice was to eat him but i'm not keen on cannibalism of another sentient being, it's just impolite to do so.

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