Spell its daze was so real but it was just an illusion and so everything crumbled impossible to put it back together i was caved in, trapped in my own darkness no warmth, no light, all hope seemed lost but during the deepest darkness light bloomed
The lost and the Gained
As the flowers bloom around him his fur shining like a beacon of hope to those who have suffered similar fates.
A final meeting
Shift in place it was over before it even began and in what felt like moments i stood watching my body being taken in the county van and next to me stood the man with the hood taking my hand in his he shepherded me away east towards the blooming
One Dot Below the I (#3)
I know it's september and the heather is abloom now and i know it's raining for i hear it striking the roof also now the rain is heavy this moment do i have the time for "now" if the heather blooms in the rain noone will notice until . . .
A Curious Fleet: Piknim/Craklyn
Night-blooming flowers filled the breeze as the gates eased open, welcoming her... or, as she saw, letting another beast out. she stopped. piknim. it was piknim, young and fair as the day she died, clothed in shadow-green and a honeysuckle crown.
True colours that I seek.
Nbsp; silver-green of all the leaves, tiny gold of the garnered sheaves, silver rivers that is a silent slide, golden sands by the water-side, golden wattle, and golden broom, silver stars of the rosewood bloom
Moonlight Lovers
Of trust between the two tender hearts hand in hand, they go their feet gently carrying them to the natural flow of their courtship's dance; with elegance and ease, they sway steps like a gentle breeze and warmth like a late spring's day their love blooms
For Leonikuz
Till the end of time i want to give you so much more than just this rhyme forgive me dear, this is the only way i know i want to be the catalyst to your enzyme i'll be with you in hot and cold, in high and low rhymes become stems, words bloom
I say again, we know it's cure, for we have dreams and light, for we have suffered, grown more whole, and bloomed against the night.
While female, i'm sensitive self doubting, emotional empathy not apathy drives my soul and i'm actually social i'm selfless and curious and drawn to the arts my ideas form plans bloom this is what i am this is the moon when feel like both my personalities
Endless Hope - ch.4
She sighs and waves her paw which starts to shine the ground shaking, a plant coming out from the floor slowly blooming. he jumps back being on guard a little surprised as the flower blooms having his blade on it. "phew, you only hid it."
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 14 (MHO)
She sought a rare bloom fertilized by much death, hoping to survive even her own last breath. but kryckwood is not home to anyone's hope, only bold fools bound to hang from their own rope.