Luke vs Tsume. A battle of Speed vs. Dexterity

Tsume immediately ducked below the ground, zipping through it like a torpedo to avoid the attack.

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Beau - Chapter Four

I stepped into the kitchen and found the one tiger i would have rather avoided.

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Vagabond - Chapter 7 + Epilogue

You've been flying so high, avoiding the road! pretending, to not feel alone! pretending, to not feel alone! vagabond, is you. random how, no shoes. if the sun goes down, too soon. embrace the starry and moon. vagabond is you!

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 17

With all the strength she had cynder flapped her wings backwards to dispose herself of the speed, it wasn't enough to avoid the huge arm heading her way.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 13

He avoided, and in one case, defeated all the search teams but they were armed in high tech gear that denied yuri to reuse the gear and he even refused the clothing.

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Young Love - Chapter 18

The trees were thicker than he thought; he had to keep his head down in order to avoid tripping on any of the large, hard roots protruding from the ground.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 28)

avoid going out at night, travel in herds, keep anti-predator gear in your bags--" "pst! captain!" peter suddenly leans closer to desmond, carful not to tilt his head so as to avoid waving his horns. "what?" the jacob sheep mutters back.

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Daemon - Chapter 11 (New Zangar)

Instinctively i leant back and narrowly avoided being run through by the massive weapon! seeing i had somehow avoided his attack, he swung the weapon at me and attempted to use it as a club. i back flipped, the weapon passed over me.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 11

It all could be avoided if they would only tell the truth, everything that was needed was just to get back to boven and tell everything.

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Pillow Pouch

The easier solution would have been for them to just forget about the pouch idea, but that would have avoided conflict. and anyone who has siblings can inform you, that growing up, siblings are really bad at avoiding conflict.

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Rebirth ch4

When the suicune looked up from cringing it's eyes went wide when it knew that it couldn't avoid the attack.

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