Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 21
I knew the process of ascension and how to access those portals directly to hell. by now, my castle must've been ravaged, but we can still access many of those databases they haven't destroyed. i'm sure we can find a way to get humans down to hell."
No Frills: Maundrill
| patreon | twitterfaqs | testimonials | price list + t&cs | my web site **maundrill** **species:** eastern lava dragon **sex:** male **age:** 326 years **height:** 7ft 2in **weight:** 11 stone (154lbs) **siblings:** none **power:** ascension
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 3
"a moment of ascension my dear cleric!"
True Divinity
It wasn't long before stormy could sense all those hidden villagers from earlier exiting their homes, eager to join in stormy's ascension.
Chapter 12 - The Hirophant
"well being selfish and human, blah, blah, blah, she used the stone for evil and tried to kill off all the other atlantians... by which time of course, they had learned ascension, in other words they were omnipotent... well...
Invasion Part 3
Birth tells the story of both the human evolution and the xenomorphic ascension. it goes on to say that after 1000 years of existence, the five gods decided to allow their wards to mingle, thus they linked the work through a single portal.
Ah how interesting, my white shirt is also missing.... it must have fallen off during my ascension into the sky, or maybe you're not allowed to have shirts in limbo.
Outcast - Chapter 10
Setting foot on tanayan soil was akin to taking a massive leap back in time...back to when the time of the ascensions was less a legend, and more of a tangible, though distant memory.
[Story] Sed the Elder of Issad: In Abun - By Kalibran
With queen kaliendra's ascension to the throne, so were our past conflicts swept aside, that we might begin our relations anew. and yet, i dread my invitation to visit the queen's home in the capital.
chapter 15
"(one thing we must know is how those rebels are able to do ascension. where did they found the methods and why they didn't pay something?)"
A Love Unlikely Chapter One.
The long hill the tower stood on didn't make my ascension any easier as i sprinted up the path towards the front gate. "let me in please, it's artemis belious!!!" worry filled my mind.
Heaven's Tower
She laughed as she made her way carelessly up the stone ascension, the berth of the rising platform giving her plenty of room to roam. after a time, the ramp began to level, and came upon a platform. she panted a little, and looked down from the ramp.