chapter 15

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#15 of Wolves' Legacy Saga

Hi, sorry for the long break!

The story of the Ternor Continent continues with Nergora's story. This is nothing but a prologue so his story will be frequently uploaded alongside Ifrit.

This is the start of the 'Adaline Arc', where Ifrit and co. moved on the their adventures in the neighboring region of Adaline, alongside new characaters and new plots.

Something big's coming to the new couple's life! What will be the story?

More chapter to come soon!

Chapter 15

"(Goddamn it. It's so hot in here. I never thought using leather jackets burn me. I shouldn't trust that human in this)."

As it was at the beach, the place was searing hot. Unlike in Tragoria, Adaline was always sunny and the region's flourishing fishing business was partly because of the sea. Adaline was more for sea than land, and its hot place was not a place for thickly furred creatures.

"(Fuck me. I shouldn't have bought this thing if not for its cheap price.)"

"(At least that fur kept you on the line, ice maker.)"

"(Oh yeah? What do you know for being an iceborn?)"

"(Just asking. Why can't you use your power for making a good comfortable weather for your own?)"

"(Maybe so, Sovarn, but...why didn't you suggest me this in the first place?!)"

"(What! I thought you are thinking about how to make the ice out without getting a problem...)"

"(Sovi, are you taking me of an idiot?)"

"(Hey, Neri, not here, not now. Humans are watching.)"

Sovarn beckoned him to follow the gray hellhound. They went into the wooden bungalow that was rented for them. Inside, Sovarn said, "(Neri, I don't know if you're an idiot or what, but making ice mist around you is nothing weird. Those humans also need your power a little.)"

"(Sovarn, just don't talk to me like this.)"

"(That's why I become your personal bodyguard assigned by your parents in the first place, goddamn it. Don't be so forgetful all the time, man.)"

"(Okay, I understand. I just don't want to talk about that thing.)"

"(Don't be all that shy, Nergora. We all have problems.)"

Nergora put away the jacket and breathed in the cold room he shared with Sovarn. The ice was like crystals. He decorated most of the rooms like stalactites. Nergora also made a pot with ice crystal in it, so as to decorate the place. Though the hellhounds were inside a crystal ice room, the waitress weren't all that curious on his power, as the waitress had claimed that ice magic was normal, if it wasn't malicious.

When Nergora pulled out his long prehensile tail, he made a sigh and said, "(How long has it been? 10 years? I've never seen my brother since then. How's your friend, Sovi?)"

"(How can I know? He's with your brother when we split up.)"

"(Oh yeah, I forgot.)"

Sovarn then sighed. "(Maybe one day you'll meet them. I don't believe he would be that weak to withstand this place and the hellish world. Your family is strong.)"

"(I know...but if he really is still alive, I won't feel as strong as him, despite of me being the product of my mother's affair with an ice demon. Yet, I doubt he can get a good feeling development.)"

"(And your mother having an 'affair' is something normal for a hellhound, seeing our initial lack of feelings.)"

Suddenly Nergora pulled a sword from behind a desk and put it near Sovarn's throat. The gray hellhound suddenly pulled his crossbow. There was a tense moment before Nergora said, "(I haven't pull it out yet.)"

"(But you are trying to get yourself killed!)"

"(Nope. You're shaking, so it won't hit my heart.)"

When Nergora put away his sword, he then started to talk, where Sovarn gave the chill as the room started to get very cold on Nergora's change of mood.

"(The royal family harnessed this feeling a long time ago, even before me and Ifrit are born. It is the reason why there is an heir, and this is something the created hellhounds hate of. They hate us, and this is why we will hit them hard like a tsunami.)"

"(There's no tsunami down there.... They created it.)"

"(Eh, really?)"

"(Really? Man, you are bad in general knowledge. I don't know if you can survive.)"

"(Well, does it matter to you?)"

At night, during the dinner at the beach restaurant, they could blend in with so many Lycans there, wearing nothing but shorts (as it was remarkably hot there, those with thick furs chose to be half-naked. No one seemed to care). Nergora kept making a hot gesture despite of him not sweating.

"(Neri, use your power.)"

"(Thanks for reminding me, Sovi.)"

After cooling himself down, Sovarn ordered a hot tropical food, while Nergora asked a pina colada. While waiting, Sovarn started to talk.

"(Look, I understand you want to destroy the rebels, but you're at the loss. Neri, you have to consider finding more people. Fifteen hounds aren't enough.)"

"(I've found a dozen in a past month. All of them are rebels. At this rate, there's no telling who will be in the rebel.)"

"(One thing we must know is how those rebels are able to do Ascension. Where did they found the methods and why they didn't pay something?)"

"(You mean, like us.)"


Nergora opened his palm to the candle, where it slowly became ice. He was thinking about it, too, and he was trying to piece up everything from the hellhounds they had interrogated in their bungalow. The hotel itself worked as a front for their small headquarters. Nergora's immense money he got from doing many jobs proved to be something very useful for his life and the hellhounds that supported him. For those who didn't, he wrapped them up and got rid of them. With the money, he could give mortal jobs to some of the hellhounds after telling them about the new life on the surface of the earth.

"(Some demon must've been forced to do the ritual. Maybe a higher-up. I don't really like how this conflict is going.)"

"(Yes, I know this is bad, Neri. Your family isn't the only one that survives. There's this Winsel family...)"

"(I know, I met the crown prince. He doesn't know we're both royals.)"

"(They had run from hell sooner than you. Did you forget?)"

Nergora then grunted. "(Okay, just...let's go back to business...)"

"Excuse me Mr. Schelkz."

A waiter, clearly a hellhound concealing his horns with fake mane, was carrying a small tray with a paper on it. Aside from the bill of five gold coins and thirty silver coins, there was another paper under it. Nergora put the amount provided and said, "Thank you."

"Enjoy your stay."

The paper was rolled like a scroll, and when he opened it, he gasped.

"(What's wrong, Nergora?)"

There was a pause in the white hellhound's part, but when he made a glance to Sovarn, he said, "(They found him.)"


"(Our spies. They found him with Eshdar. Oh man, this is good news!)"

"(C'mon, Neri. Just tell me what you are talking...)"

"(They found Ifrit.)"

There was a silence between them. Sovarn then looked around if there was a hellhound amongst the crowd, though when he was trying to find one of them they could have left.

"It's not safe to talk here. Let's go back," said Sovarn trying to get the suspicion away from them.

After reaching the bungalow, Sovarn pulled the fake mane he was wearing and said, "About this, we must talk with this language, or else we'll be found."


"I know it's still hard for you to speak with English, but I can't understand German. Now, did you say Ifrit is here?"

"Ifrit is with a group. They are currently in Arbal with Eshdar, a hornless hound, and a human. They are travelling with a red carriage."

"Where are they going?"

"To Renita."

This made Sovarn just stunned and gaped there. He suddenly got panicked and sat on the sofa beside him. This made Nergora nervous.

"(W...what is it?)"

"Damn...Renita is..."

"There's a spring fest there. It's normal if they go..."

"I know it's normal for them to go there! There's one problem."

Then Sovarn gave a worried look to Nergora's deep blue eyes, and from there Nergora, who was forgetful, suddenly remembered something.

"Wait...Renita is one of the rebel's headquarter?"

Sovarn made a nod, and Nergora suddenly got angry and froze the plant beside him, yet Sovarn thawed it up with his flame. The hellhound took his jacket, his fedora, and his sword with him. Sovarn knew what he was doing, and he exclaimed, "Neri, we can't rush like this! If they found out, our plan will be ruined."

"There are mortals with him, Sovi. If we don't move now, there will be more casualties than those two."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go."