Journey to another wold ch19
#18 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 19 and with that the dream ended. i opened my eyes to see a young trainer shaking me. "hay ok?" i looked at the kid. he seemed to be a couple years younger than me. "ya kid.
Journey to another world ch18
We shared another long kiss, before jenavee slowly broke it. "so tell me, where are we going?" "well i heard that there were two types of gods that ruled over this land.
Journey to another wold ch17
We shared another long kiss that went even deeper then before as we put forth both our love into our kiss and further.
Journey to another world ch16
#15 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 16 so with that we walked out of the pokemon center and started to look around for someone to challenge.
Journey to another world ch15
"well i do not know about this riolu here, but i am more than willing to go into a battle against another pokemon.
Journey to another world ch12
#12 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 12 we arrived at the center a little before day break.
Another Chance: Chapter 2
"i guess i should give my life another go before truly kicking the bucket." garret stood up and looked around. he didn't know where to go if he wanted to give it another try. "just walk out of the front doors of the airport. simple as that."
Another Chance: Chapter 1
another chance chapter 1 the plane jarred slightly as it hit a bit of turbulence. few people noticed, turbulence was just another annoyance of flying on top of the all too familiar crying children and arguing couple.
Journey to Another World ch106
Journey to another world 6 ch. 106 'you want to go after ho-oh; you can't be serious?!' practically the whole team yelled at me that next morning, excluding that of rena and jenavee who i'd told the night prior.
No tears(another short story)
Well one way or another i knew from the start your heart was made of rubber because your emotions were very fake. no more tears because you didn't deserve them.
Journey to another world ch11
#11 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 11 with all that we put out the fire and headed into the tent. i had a thought and i pulled out jenavee's pokeball and held it out in front of her.
Journey to another world ch10
Though if you think that i will use you in the process of catching another, then your wrong.