The Fall and Rise of Kairuna Chapter 1
The thirtieth of Last Seed, Mundas in the early morn on the northern Cyrodillic plains was, by all accounts like every other morning with the simple exception that the Aldmeri Dominion had successfully implanted a bastion of warriors and mages alike...
Lila of the Reptilydes Part 8
The reptilyde looked like a regular naga, but he had hidden skin flaps that attached to his head and connected down at his back. They only were visible when he was in fight mode, which he was now. Lila hoped that her scream would alert the guards and...
Brothers in Arms - On Sugar Mountain
"Why in the hell did I join the army?" Bomber moaned to himself, as he lobbed the smoke grenade between him and the impromptu bunker that the insurgents were shooting out of. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU CORPERAL?!" He screamed into the headset, "YOU'RE...
A day of Rust
My pre-story for Rust, an ex priest Echidna of Doen, they removed him from his clerical duties for his 'heretical' words, removed the hand that wrote them too. Read the bio if you want the low down on this big saint. (and yes, watching 'boondock...
Dragons Lair pt 21
Update: I recently got a voice recorder with some dictation software. After I set it up properly, I can talk stories. Hope you enjoy Dragons Lair 21. They headed off to the museum, to get what they came for. Saiu took the tube, because he didn't trust...
Chapter 13: The End...
I slept peacefully for the first time in so many weeks. I was actually crying when I woke up, the joy of having rid myself of the thing' that had been haunting my nightmares for so long had me in a sort of daze. It made me skeptical about what was real...
Even Saints Sin (intro)
And Even Saints Sin by Axell Prologue There had been nothing more familiar to Natalya than the sound of the turbines in the dam. It was a mess, which they had stopped before things got uglier. Terrorist overran the dam and set up explosive...
Chapter 10: Seperation and Capture
"I hate the Saurian jungles!" Bella muttered for the umpteenth time as she hacked through another vine that had ensnared her. I kept my eyes ahead of me and stifled a laugh while I looked around for any trace of life in the walls of greenery all...
Chapter 3: Last Goodbyes
This chapter is in Hazel's **POV**. Just letting you'll know that. Hazel's childhood; Eight Years Ago It was raining that night when my life was destroyed. I could hear the drops hitting against the window as if in an attempt to keep me...
Rescued At Last...
"Felix I don't think we should attack this facility." Kail said to me as we hung out in the pokemon center one day. We had been traveling for eleven weeks and still hadn't found any trace of Luca. Between my wave guiding abilities with Luca and Kail's...
A Grunt's Revenge
We eventually came across another big city, unfortunately it didn't have a gym, but we decided to have a bit of fun anyway. I treated everyone to a nice lunch and dinner while we explored, but none of us realized our arrival hadn't gone unnoticed. We...
Heading Home
After about half a day of sailing we saw the mainland coast. Shortly after we saw the coast a coast guard vessel intercepted us and asked what we were doing out here. We explained ourselves and they gladly gave us an escort to the docks behind the...