Legend of the Five Gears idea exploration (Name Pending)

Although it was not complete, he hoped another powerful saint could complete his work. himself he set out in the most powerful fugue his forces had seen, creating a towering creation of metal and weapons.

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Price of LIfe: Chapter XIV

Then again, virgil had arranged the death of his parents, so the idea was not completely foreign. but still... "i love you, raksha," muttered keith, trying to change to subject. his embrace around her closed, as if trying to draw her inside himself.

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East Moon 005, 328, AAE

The ink was not completely dry yet, but it wouldn't drip at this point. she let her face glow with her always-happy face as she handed it to the teacher. blossoms outside were blowing.

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The Outlander 3 29

"my honour may have suffered a blow, but i am not completely without honour. not yet," sandokhan said as he moved to stand up, using nearby bamboo cane for leverage.

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Born from the Ashes - Chapter I

She was not completely grown yet, but she looked very feminine. it took me a while to realize i still need to breathe. recomposing myself, i gave her that item. "i'm sorry but you lost your wallet....

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 77

It was something he understood, perhaps not completely - for who but the dead could ever fully understand something as final as death? - but certainly better than most. it was something he could wrap his head around, even if only in concept.

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Ragnarok - XXI

Your task is not complete, and your road lies ahead." he held out one gnarled hand, and shane reached up, took it, amazed to find it tangible. the old man's grip was strong. shane was hauled to his feet like an anchor out of the waves.

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Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 25 - The First Move

"something tells me we're not completely safe here." "alright. anything else?" nathan waited a few seconds before continuing. "then, we're done. thanks for coming, everyone."

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Chapter 6: Anxiety

Jamie honestly wondered if the feline had fallen asleep again, but he moved whenever the wolf did, so at least not completely.

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File #12 - "Instincts"

The whole ship began to lightly shake from the force of the pulses, as "condition: red" sprung up on the few consoles that were not completely black at the moment.

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The Tale of Teàrlach Part 2

Peculiar to say the least, but not completely unheard of. so teàrlach shrugged his shoulders as he made his way to the gate, the long fluffy tail flicking around from side to side as gazed at the massive wooden gates.

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Ember Tails, ch4 (pt.2)

Definitely early, but i guess not completely out of the picture. no point in worrying too much about it, though..." _"i guess... well, thanks for talking, shana! hopefully everything works out as expected."_ "i'm sure it will.

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