Chapter 7 - The Origin of Skyfire, Part 2
Charmeleon's smile fades, and he slams sneasel's arm straight into the ground, her claws slamming straight into the hardwood floor. sneasel tries to pull her arm out, but can't.
Love in the Time of Chorrol 5 - The Tower
But the raptor was quicker and grabbed at the goblin's head, spinning him around before a violent thrust came straight to the back.
I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Thirteen
She had committed to her course rather than try to double back, and if justin had thrown the bell it would have flown straight into her hands.
Juryokine: Chapter Thirty Six
From the sky, he could easily trace the ship's course as the devastation continued in a straight line for several miles, and then looped around to the left. after that, it continued in another straight line before... there it was!
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 49: Road Untravelled
"just so you know, hans isn't fully straight." his father only nodded with a knowing smile. "as long as you're happy, rob." "mom don't tell him! i'm fully straight, i swear!" "sure, say that again, hans?" "mom!"
To The Rescue
Fang charged in from a burst of wind landing a punch straight into panthers chest knocking the wind out of him, as panther recovered he looked a bit outraged. "i thought we agreed! \*cough\* no powers!!"
The Fast and the Fat
Nitrous straight off the start line! he blew straight past three cars before they reached the first corner, then slid neatly between the wall and a fourth as they rounded the bend.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 25-The Rally-Part 1-2
"straight 40 73", i said," look for a blue train car." . it was rally talk for "straight ahead 40 yards, then make a 73 degree turn. the blue train car was a check point.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 24
Set him straight." _set me straight?_ this was sounding scarier and scarier by the second. quite frankly, mateo would much rather be punched in the face by an angry ander than be 'set straight' by nilia (whatever that meant).
Lost Souls, Chapter 1: True Love
He flew straight to the place they told him to in the letter, an old abandonned monastery, with large stone walls, and a huge entrance door.
Darkness and Starlight 15 - Yoshimania
As he ran past koopin, he looked back and shot out his long yoshi tongue straight at the koopa's arm. koopin yelped as he was pulled hard towards his foe, and yoshitaka readily slammed a clothesline straight into koopin's beak.
The gutpunching home - Part 2
But the more dragonite closes in, he cannot resist anymore and lands a straight punch and a pair of hooks on dragonite's stomach.