Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 3

Remember, we have the power over your life and death!" the female dog did not allow her smile to sink. "if i choose, you have no power." before tony could respond, winston pushed him aside. "and what do you have to say about this black magic?"

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Vanished Guardians and the Offer

Rex now wished he could go back in time to when he was a careless child, back in the days of youth and play, where he didn't have to worry about battles and life and death situations. he then saw a small lizard.

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A previous verson of my story idea, please not this is a beta version of my story line written long ago

She was 6 but was very bright for her age.her name was blix and at 6 years old she understood life and death far better then any adult.


Church of the Creators

Little benna, who had aged more quickly than those who followed her, spoke at his passing ceremony before hurling herself into the void alongside him, refusing to leave him even for such small matters of life and death.


Dawn of Chaos Pt 7

I sank my consciousness further into kazath's and exploded into motion, then the life and death struggle suddenly became a thing of beauty. i watched like a spectator as my body leapt through the church leaving swathes of broken bones in its path.

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Anum Chaos © – The Legend History 2004/5 – 2008

I work on a new album which will call "between life and dead" - trance mixed with spiritual, some music can you found already here.

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[Commission] Diaperstuck: Eridan: Get stuck

And as luck would have it, by some odd miracle, while you are working on your science wand, pondering over the mysteries of life and death and all that lies in between and beyond, feferi happens upon your workshop.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 69

A night almost as dark as this, pouring rain, crinkling leaves beneath their feet, and a monster emerging from the trees, speaking of life and death, hunger and ecstasy.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 62

Whether they were stumbling away or writhing on the ground or grappling with an enemy in a struggle for life and death, they all had the same eyes. the same dull, empty, lifeless eyes. eyes that did not see.

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Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 7

"no time... must... deliver... important... message... matter... of... life... and... death... can't... give up... must..."

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The Second Promise: Chapter 3, The Living Comet

The reaper powers granted him one powerful boon; the ability to slip between the veil of life and death to instantaneously create a rift. by doing so, the portals were nigh untraceable and cost very little on his will.

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Travelers in the dark

. -- necromancy deals with life and death, and so does mending. i see the link, and i use it. aerin pouted at markel's jab concerning their previous argument, but not for long.

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