The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 14

Nashil smiled, her bright eyes twinkling, and then she laughed. tanda understood why so many of the others had been falling for her. she was remarkably beautiful on her own, but her laugh was sweet like honey, and indescribably pure.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 66

Watching her daughter work, going through the same motions she herself had gone through back when she was still just a bright-eyed young girl learning the craft... there was something magical about it. "almost done..."

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Just Living: Introduction

I'm walking among the crowd outside even if there is not a single soul near me, and my heart is pumping at a million beats a second, and yet on the outside i'm cold, a stoic frown and bright eyes just show that i'm a person who just doesn't want to talk, and

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Heroes Beneath Us: Chapter 6

Roman's colleague, a bright eyed husky by the name collin miller asked him. the dog, more like a puppy by the way he was always at roman's heel, had been concerned at his superior's increasingly foul mood. "i'm ffffine." roman said slowly.

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The Morning After

I had gone to bed at my normal hour and the 'funeral' was still going on, i was surprised flower was awake and bright eyed. seems her species isn't affected by alcohol as most humanoid species are.

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Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 1

._ _ _ grey woke up and had tears of happiness and sadness in his bright eyes. he rubbed them and forced the tears to shed but as he did the tears couldn't stop to come. _"why? why can i never get the kiss in my reality?"

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One Good Turn (ConFuzzled 2010)

With a wriggle and a click, its bright eyes opened, lit with a reflective glow. it recognised her immediately, bouncing up and down and then surprising her by speaking, in rather a tinny way. "stephanie!", it called to her.

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A Blast From the Past Ch. 3

Just looking into the baby's big bright eyes as she giggled and squealed throughout the day made the exhaustion go away. and of course, as new parents they naturally spoiled her.

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Cold Magic

Jumana shouted, fending off another pair of bright-eyed horrors, the holy talisman of her order held aloft. "pitching camp in a city of the dead is _not_ a good idea!" light from the rising sun gleamed emerald off the gem.

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Heart of the Forest ~ Chapter 13

Here was his mother, bright-eyed and sharp-eared, that characteristic confident smirk on her face and strength to her posture, the image of a bow held in one paw with an arrow readied in her other, and her little knife hanging by her side.

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