
Ugly, stupid, useless, poor, unwanted... then there is gerrald. i... i seriously don't know. i mean, it's been there for so long, eight months! i've always have this small hope that a miracle will happen.

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Kaden's story (short version)

The coon felt useless. eventually, he cracked, lost control once again, and was pulled and denied from every school. no one would accept him again. he was forced to teach himself not only how to control fire, but everything else needed in life.

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gospel of the Church of the Immaculate Incubation

Giger beyond the stars, she waits the mother of us all unknown is her name, unknown is her origin but that knowledge is useless she loves us and always will after all, we are nothing but vessels for the greater god we must overcome our weakness we

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Paper Rebels (pt2)

Besides, now that i know that i am useless, you can go to f-" "of course you are fucking useless!" grodacio finally exploded. "i know it's a cover up because there is something else behind this!

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Seventeen

"maybe if you weren't a useless orphan," candika's voice echoed in my ears. i was useless. sure i could cook but when an assassin already tried to kill midnight and me, and then more tried to kill me later, how was cooking going to be of any value.

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A Waking Nightmare

I sit in the darkness my elbows on my knees i stare at the ground as it's useless to look around for all i will see is the dark that envelopes me a moment later i change my mind and i look around to see what i will find but all i see

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Fourteen

Even if i'd been in wolf form, my teeth and claws would have been useless. not even my superhuman strength would do me any good here.

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Gary the dragon

Normally there's a rush of satisfaction that borders on joy when that happens, but that useless worm draconis had ruined it. i stewed over things as i felt the second egg's shell open up my vent.

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Breaking the mold - preview

His shoulders and head already bore the bruises of his earlier attempts to obtain his freedom that way, he knew it to be useless, trying again would gain him nothing.

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A Crappy Day

It was useless. the bug was done for. he was suffocating. the damn bull is a bitch and a dick. "say it before ya go and get shat on again. don't tell me that you don't like shit. you were rolling it around earlier." that made sense.

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Will of Chrome (Chapter 1, Ashfall)

A broken flashlight with dead batteries, a now-useless map, and various papers.

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Not Good Enough...

The chubby raccoon began kicking his legs to try and stay afloat, but his feet just spun uselessly in the deep water and his waterwings continued to deflate. timothy tried to cry out for help, but his mouth was already below the water.

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