An Exert from the Crimson Veil

A warm tingling filled up aliyah's body as the aftereffects of the spell dissipated around her tiny frame, making her appear almost angelic within the green glow.

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Secret Enchantments

A very tiny yellow and white striped scarf, and a very tiny green cloak "hey, so... i know these things are important to you two and you kind of shrank out your normal ones soooo..." the kitten smiled.

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Song of the Space Finch part 3 of 4

The explorers loved these tiny birds they called 'finches' the best. course they're not finches like they had on old earth, but they were so similar. the tiny deneb finches were bold and they jumped through space-time when they were excited.

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Sparky The Hedgehog.

Shouted thesieo, the capsule exploded and a tiny baby lay on the rubble of the capsule, sonic grabbed the tiny child and rushed away... ''wait up dad!'' shouted sparky.

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The Big Sister Part Five: Condemnation

She would place her book satchel on the bed and then begin to open it, to find the captive tiny anthro dog gasping for breath and flailing about while trying to call for help in his tiny voice. "keep quiet, my sabrina is in the other room.

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Zombiology - Raccoon

tiny pointed teeth tore through the flimsy plastic wrapper. the smells released set the tiny black nose twitching excitedly. nimble little fingers quickly dispatched the protective sleeve.

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Dropped Toy

And it wasn't too long before these tiny things called quarks, the tiny particles that made up atoms were in fact as big as actual stars in comparison to sinopa. the speed of her fall had slowed, and she was more floating vaguely downward.

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No Man's Land

Especially when they were there first--the giants built their city _around_ them, and the tinies' old home became run-down slums.

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What is The Lustful Melt Gag?

So thanks to tiny tunes a whole new generation was introduced to this gag, but tiny tunes would not be the only show that would continue to use this gag as i said, animaniacs would continue this trend as well and it would take characters like dot warner in

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Secrets Ch. 30

Ranger puts his nose close to rick and sniffs his face a couple of times causing the small cub to wake up fully with a tiny yip before he giggles as a large tongue licks his tiny nose.

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Of Mites and Macros - Chapter 1

The military was getting sloppy, now that the scanners allowed them to bypass nearly every trap, weapon, and ambush the tinies could manage. "bren!"

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Goodnight, Goddess

It was jarring, but not entirely unexpected; the tiny one knew exactly where shi was and such movements were just one of the hazards here.

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