
Taking Steps The first step of life is entering the world. Where the smell of clean air and lien beds fill the bright room. The second step is the first walk. The step where you will be going places and learning your environment. The...

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A Bookworm's First Love Ch.10

Nothing to say except tell me if I made grammar errors! I quickly looked away. Surely I just imagined it? I couldn't be sure. Something about those two just I took a quick look around. Nobody else seemed to notice the thing I thought I...

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Happy..Father's Day

The vibration of the car. The fragrance of tulips reach me. Its Father's Day, although we don't celebrate like many other families. My Mother looks at me from the steering wheel. "You alright bud?" I give her a slight smile and nod. She leans back as...

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Belated Birthday Gift

Lee took another drink of his iced coffee and then returned to reading his favorite web-comic while wondering what else he should be doing at the moment "I really should do my homework right now." Just as he was about to click on the next page button...

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Welcome To Equestria: Chapter 4

** ~~~~Chapter Four~~~~ ** ~~~~First Day in Ponyville~~~~ * * * We're finally getting into the First Arc? Celebrate! Or not? Okay... Actually, no, you won't ruin our moods. Mane 6, here we come! ~Blu and Hotshot * * * ...

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Junior Year: Wake Up

I woke up the next day in probably the worst way ever. My little kit sister, Sophie, was jumping on my bed. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" "Sophie!" I yelled. "Get out of my room!" "Not until you get out of my bed." She taunted. I sighed....

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"Cursed" Part 2

Its the day after I had the spraying incident. I wondered if I would be able to control my transformations. I wondered if I could change into my skunk form and change back into my human form. I though if I could just concentrate I might be able to...

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E.U.R.O Chapter 6

A short beep occurred and then a green light flashed above the door, it parted in two and slid open, the door vanishing into the walls. The eight assembled in the parlour dropping bags in the open planned hallway as they passed through. Sure enough...

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Chapter 13

Chapter 13 of Tales of Woe Seth Cranilus, September 29th, 11:02 AM I was sitting on the couch thumbing through the blank pages of the Arconomicon, looking for anything, any kind of mark that would let me read it. I felt the...

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Vagabond - Chapter 5

\*A few hours later\* There was a knock on the door. "Come in." Kyle opened the door, and I could just barely see Seth behind him, "So, what do you- Oh, I didn't know you were here-... Actually, I don't know who you are." "Oh, name's... Seth?"...

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Vagabond - Chapter 7 + Epilogue

\*Friday at lunch\* "I knew you couldn't resist me." Kiari had pulled Titus off to the side of a closet for essentially a make out session. "After you knocked out Tanner's lights, I just couldn't stop thinking about you." She went back to kissing...

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Inferno High - Chapter 15

Prepare to enter my mind. In a few moments, you will experience a sensation so vivid and horrendous it could make you sick to the stomach and warp your emotions so badly that you could cry. That is, if you understand me at all. The repetitive banging...

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