A Dream: Chp 18 Betrayl
#18 of A Dream
A Furry's Dream: Chp 18 Betrayal
Folvos's POV
The elevator descends down the shaft and opens up to show a big-ish room. At the end of the room there is a pyramid, with the top cut off, coming from the roof and floor. On the top of the pyramids there are three grey strips of metal arranged to form the centre piece to a triangle, with a patch sticking up from the end facing us. The same is mirrored on the top. I let out a whistle, "Didn't know you could build so well Polybius." "Well thank you, I could've done better had I been given the proper equipment, less strenuous work conditions..." Polybius starts to list the issues with his workplace. "Polybius." Mina says glaring at him a little, not with bad intentions but the type of glare a mother would give their child if they were misbehaving on purpose. "Sorry, I rant often." Polybius chuckles awkwardly. I remember Rose there with us and walk over to her side. "Are you ok? You've been awfully quiet since we got you?" I ask worried for her. "I'm fine." She deadpans and moves away from me slightly. "You're clearly not." I state hoping to get her to open up to me. "Please just... Can we talk about this later?" She says I look into her eyes and sigh slightly hurt. "If you want, please just make sure you talk to someone about it, Its not good..." "Yeah, yeah I know. It's not good to keep your emotions bottled up, it just hurts you for longer etcetera etcetera." She cuts me off. I frown and move away from her. 'I just wish she would tell me what's wrong, I just want to help, she kno... STOP IT. Your first priority is to get the others to safety, then you can worry about yourself..." I look over and see Polybius put his palm onto Mina's shoulder, just that simple actions sends pangs of pain as I remember times where Rose was happy to hug me, talk to me and tell me her problems. 'Common, now's not the time. Deep breathe in, and out, good now again.' I think calming myself down. "We're almost there." Megan states bringing us all back into our current predicament.
I ready my rifle against my shoulder but whimper slightly when it sends out a jolt of pain. I hoped no one heard it but alas, it wasn't my day. "You ok Folvos?" Mina asks with some concern. "I'm fine, I just got a powerful weapon." I reply trying not to laugh at the innuendo. "Is it your shoulder? Let me take a look." Polybius states before taking a quick look over my shoulder. "Well it looks like nothing major, could be shock damage and bruising though." "Ok then, thank you Doctor Polybius." I jokingly reply secretly grateful it wasn't anything serious. The door chimes and we all move out slowly. 'No enemies. This is odd...' "Be careful guys, this doesn't feel right." I deadpan moving back into a serious mood. "Thank you Captain Obvious..." Polybius answers "There's the panel." Polybius points to a panel off the side of the walkway we're on. Slowly and as a group we move to the panel. Polybius starts entering lines of code so fast his fingers appear to be a blur of blue. He hits some final buttons, "And done!" He states happily. We turn around and come face to face with 20 fully armoured robots. These androids look like nothing I've ever seen before, their helmets consist of a blue faceplate that covers most of their 'heads', big bulking chest plates of different thicknesses. Some wearing bandoleers around their chest plate. Now onto their arms, their upper arms are fully encased in armour with only a slight break at the elbows to allow for mobility. The
Just one looked like it could kill us if we moved a muscle, 20 made it seem like if we even thought about it they'd kill us. "Hahaha, so these are your little projects Megan?" A big man asks, "Megan what does he mean?" I ask, pleading clear in my voice. Megan doesn't say a word and steps forwards. "Megan, what are you doing!?" I plea, wanting some answer. "Megan!!!" I wail and drop to my knees. "MEGANNN!!!" I cry as she approaches the robots. "Sir, these are the subject, 01 through to 04. Each has their own capabilities but show an essentially guaranteed take over if we attempted an invasion of their planet." She deadpans. Polybius is growling at this point, I feel his eyes fall on me and back to Megan.
"I knew we couldn't trust you!" Polybius screams as he takes a step forward. One robot moves as a blur and takes a shot landing so close to his foot I can smell some burnt hair. This doesn't faze him. "YOU BITCH!!" He screams before charging towards Megan and leaping. One shot sounds out and Polybius falls to the ground in a pile, face down. Silence. Not even the portal seems to be making noise any more. "Polybius?" Comes Mina's strangled cry after a few seconds of starring at his limp body, "Polybius!?" Mina shouts, about to burst into tears. Nothing. No reply, no response.
I quickly notice something. I shakily stand up and put a hand on Mina's shoulder. "He's breathing... He's alive." I say gratefully. Mina cries out happily, "Polybius!" "Now, let's not repeat that. I'd hate to have to order my soldiers to kill you while you can still be of use..." The presumed commander states looking menacingly at us, talking as if our lives were worthless to him. Laughter interrupts his little spiel. "Which one of you thinks this is funny?! WHO WANTS TO BECOME AN EXAMPLE!!!" The laughter just grows and becomes easier to identify, getting a slightly insane tone as it goes along. Slowly Polybius stands, but something seems different about him. "Polybius? What are you doing?!?" Mina asks worried for her boyfriend's health. "Something that's been coming for a long time." Polybius states sounding insane. He takes a step forward. "But I have a question, who tried to shoot me? I'll let you live." The androids sort of look at each other with their rifles still trained on Polybius. "No one? Good, I'll enjoy this then." He takes another step forward before a guard fires and hits his arm causing him to spin. "That really hurt..." Polybius states but keeps walking forwards more androids start firing at him but his body does something peculiar. It morphs into little boxes around the bullets and seems to... Well glitch out is the best I could describe it. "You guys are really hurting my feelings... I hate people like that!" He roars and leaps, seeming to levitate up the stairs towards the androids who are still firing. He lands on the top of the staircase and shows the people his hand completely fine hand. "Just like magic!" he states while Megan and the commander stare at his hand as two of the Androids ditch their guns.
Polybius's POV
Running toward me are two of the android looking robots. I grin as they get close before attempting to hit me. Their hands glitch through my body and they look as though they're about to fall before regaining their footing. I allow my body to adopt a completely physical form and grab the back of their helmets. "Shocking, aren't I?" I let lose what I consider to be a slight amount of electricity. However when I remove my hands I can see a slight amount of burnt metal and there appears to be electricity still in the metal. I spin and see Megan as well as the commander.
"YOU!" I shout when I notice the commander there, I feel the rage inside of me grow as I remember everything he's subjected me to.
"YOU ARE DEAD TO ME! I WARNED YOU WHAT WOULD HAPPEN! REDEMPTION IS NOW!" I all but scream at him before I turn towards the rest of the soldiers. I could do my flying trick however I want him to fear it. I want him to fear what I'm going to do to him.
"Folvos, the portal is set, take Mina and Rose out of here. I'll hold them up." I state as an afterthought.
"What about you?" he asks. I turn away when I see Mina reach for his shoulder.
"He'll be fine, trust me it's better if we go." I hear the soft, trusting voice of my girlfriend. Fading footsteps follows and means that they are walking towards the portal.
"Right..." I crack my neck before grinning menacingly and starting to drain the electricity to this damn facility. Each volt that courses through my body makes me feel alive and better than ever. "Who's first?" I ask again as the lights give out and the glow from my robotic eye is all that can be seen.
Folvos's POV
The portal is the only available light source we have. I turn to try and see Polybius but when I can't I look to Mina,
"You sure he'll be fine, I don't want to leave him."
"God damn it Folvos, he'll be fine trust me. I'll drag you outta here myself if I have to. Besides it is better if we leave. If not then we may not leave alive, it's like he's another person when he gets like this." Mina finishes off sadly. As we finally draw near to the portal my hair starts to stand on end, not because of fright but this machine seems to give of static electricity. I look at the strange green flowing light before us that spans between the top and bottom of the teleporter, it's kind of ominous.
"You are sure this will work, it won't screw up or anything?" I ask Mina before turning to her, she just smirks.
"I trust Polybius..." with those words she leaps into the portal and disappears. I look to Rose.
"Do you want to go first?" I ask Rose to which I earn a glare.
"I can handle myself." She deadpans, and walks through the portal. At her words I feel a part of me get hurt, she hasn't spoken to me like that before. I hear a scream behind me and I turn to see Polybius being surrounded by those robots and electricity seems to be flowing freely around him. I hope he will be ok, is my last thought before I turn around and leap through the portal.
Interesting A/N. I am now looking into making this a possible animated movie, if not an animated short. If at all possible I'd like it to look like some of the artwork, cartoonish style drawings mixed with anime and realistic(ish) shading. The issue is I do not have to time or patience to draw thousands of frames by myself, and I couldn't ask my friends to spend hours drawing hundreds of frames each. As such I've decided to try making it in the 3D animation software Blender. I'm not sure where this will go and I DO NOT WANT TO GIVE FALSE PROMISES so I won't say this is definite.