End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 07

I only saw that werewolf and i felt something switch inside of me." "like a 'werewolf mode activated' switch?"

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Star Fox: The Unexpected Mission, Chapter 8: Tales of the Reptile ones.

Kei then switched to a picture of the scale king, and several other troops. the scale king, unlike most of the sharp claw, had his battle armor modified.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 14-Martin's Harvest

"switch to the mini!", i smiled as the mag switch finished and a green, "magazine loaded, fire control ready", flash across my hud.

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Isolation-Excerpt 16-Hetawave

"to start it", tyler said pointing to a set of four switches, make sure all four ignition switches are on, clutch in, first gear and then turn the key." i flipped the four switches, pressed in on the clutch and put the car in first.

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Christmas on the Ice Mountains

With that, he hopped down from the cab and ran up the line towards the old switch.

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Forget me not

I switched the night vision off, and continued scoping without it, in some areas of the hall grounds, it was as bright as day.

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Chapter 1: EMI

He finally gave up hope of being able to shut it down conventionally, and he flipped the main power switch. that was a bad idea.

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I'm switching to tachyon-data-link." a flick of a switch on the central console flashed a quick change in the display screen for a moment and then it went dead. a few seconds later the rest of the displays and controls began to power down.

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The Long Shot Part 2: The Loud Crack

switching to thermal i called out to liz, my now life-mate since last night's union, to watch the roof and courtyard while i scoped out the barracks.

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Task Force - Two if by Air

I was about to switch to my thermal when i noticed that i could see everything clearly without it.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 47

Banno could see her rapidly switch between her forms.

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A Sprint on Fumes (Otherwise Untitled)

~ staff sergeant flint switched the diagnostic box over to its third mode, calling down the hallway. "okay, now throw bus b." the panel on the tool sprang to life, taking readings and indicating its progress towards a conclusion.

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