Ep23-The Master plan-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

It was then also learned that the ship they are in was stolen from gaia and belonged to the opal corporation. juan was trying to figure things out, and possibly hack into their systems for some extra clues.

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Decontamination Day

His father told him the harrowing story of how he narrowly survived riding home from school that day when the bus he was in collided with a stolen cement truck.

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Lucky!!! - Chapter 02

I would take this valour from you, that you have stolen and claim as your own and put it to a better cause monstrum. ...hey i'm just repeating what he said!

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An arctic fox had stolen her fish ... from her hut. she was going to get it back. he'd snuck in while she'd been resting (which she scolded herself for ... why was she resting ... ) ... eyes squinting, she could make out the tracks.

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Fear - Revisited

Unhappies out for such a long time :3 as seen in my writer's blog: http://sirenscoast.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/of-happiness-and-fear/ alone, she wanders, a shadow lingers paranoid, she stumbles, immersed in gloom thick is the night, as phantoms lunge stolen

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TastesLikeGreen Wrote a Story~

:p ever since then, i've felt that the nighthawk was suffering a bit from having its time in the spotlight stolen from it, so if you're interested in straight stories with an emphasis on character moments over hot, hot dickings, maybe you should check this

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Waterfall (100 words)

Memories of our forest adventures, campfire nights, whispered secrets, and stolen kisses burned hot in my mind. in that moment i knew that i would do anything for him. we jumped.

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Ep22-Freeing the Celestite Kingdom-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

It was also learned their hypnotic magic they used was stolen from the gaian homeworld, and partly manufactured on the gloria homeworld as well.

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Last Stand Of The Shifters: Segment of my book "Planes"

Sevlow's attention was stolen from the combat all around him to his companion who, instead of pulling the knife out of him, let out a pained roar then pulled his attacker in the final few hairs and rid him of his throat.

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Quest for Corsurus Chapter One

"that opal an artifact of the god corsurus and was stolen from his temple!" of course the accusation that the god of justice had something stolen from another god demanded that he ensure the return of the gem.

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Chapter Six

Further digs are underway but we uncovered some chemical vials from this area... but they were stolen. take a look at this."

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Two

"the cube was stolen." _"stolen? by who?"_ i gritted my teeth. "by...a raccoon?" _"you,"_ he said in stunned disbelief, _"gave my escher cube to a--"_ "okay, look," i cut him off, "that's not important right now.

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