Chapter 2 - A Trainer's Anger

Jules states. "think again." draco says. suddenly, rokyl jumps to his feet, his eyes completely white, shining with rage. jules can't believe it.


Spyro and The New Chronicler chapter three

Kira stated. "isn't that where sparx headed after the recon dragon announced spyro was lost?" terrador mentioned. "yes i suppose it is." cyril stated. "i believe it significantly beneficial to require the intellectual knowledge of sparx.

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Aspiring Authors Toll Road to Publication

(camacho) although, as stated, it has its downside. from distribution to editing after release. jeremey continues his article stating, "direct publishing has three primary entry barriers: limited promotion, limited market, and limited editing."

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chapter 22

The sage stated and sat down on a chair of shadows he created, "but the books said you'd be a dragon!" shadow stated shocked, "over several millenia the facts tend to get a little mixed up...but yes i am the sage of the moon.

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Monster Mankind Chapter 1

In the simplest terms, mythos state was a place meant for people with their needs and knowledge. it looked like any average state that any normal person would live in, urban neighborhoods, cities with skyscrapers, and most importantly, the people.

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The Chains of the Blood, chapter 3: Consultation

I stated. "you see part of the problem is my lack of a trade, the bigger part of the problem is my lack of self confidence, i feel like i am so undeserving of her love."

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Jewel of the Spring #4

"alright, state your business and we'll think about sparing you." the sgt. stated. "i'm, lt. corey rolin i just escaped enemy capture i'm requesting you take me to the nearest base. i'm severely wounded and in need of medical attention.

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Life Here After - Prologue

Among them rose the aeons of humanity, the freedom states, and a small rogue faction known only as esoe {enlightened souls of humanity}, or e-soul as they had become nicknamed after the freedom states and aeons learned of their strong religious affinity.

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With Fire in the Night: Chapter 2

Under the auspices of the committee of allied states, a preexisting organization that spirethorn and his allies already shunned, azurik forged stronger ties with these western states. across the river, as well, several larger states joined in.


The Cat's Stroll 05

The distance between the state and the backdoor's forest was not that far.

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TItans of the World I: Somebody Save Me (edited)

"two seconds" cen stated plainly. "that's hardly anytime at all!" "you always forget, that time passes differently for me than you," cen stated, humor in his voice.

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The Big Sister Part Eight: Adriana Unleashed!

I will be counting" adriana stated. "ooh, little girl got sass" the bobcat stated.

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