Anthro Adventures At Art Academy (Intro to series)
She replied to the snake's question, paying no attention to the poor wolf she had just beaten with her handbag; multiple times.
Angela in scales(not the piano kind)
Hey hey the snake said easy. the other guys dropped what they were holding. whoa did did you just talk asked ben. yea i just talked the serpent said. killer said tom reading the choker. you're the escaped snake said hank nervously.
The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 4 - Training
Immediately, dust tail and half star screamed out a war cry and jumped at the snakes. dust tail managed it to get one of the snakes heads into his mouth and with one bite the snake was death.
FnaJ: WTF? (part 4)
The animatronic snake jumped up and said "don't scare me like that!" i shook my head and shivered a bit "follow me..." was all i said and the snake slithered towards me...
Town of Xiir'ah: Halloween Demon
As they grew larger, they slowly gain features of a snake head. then they did became snake heads. he could see through them, and they could see through him. beneath those two heads, another pair grew.
Town of Xiir'ah: Moving In
"as for your species, you are a naga, a huge snake with arms. as for your stuff, they have been magically altered for you. look at your outfit."
The Going Forth Of Uadjet
The nile still snaked below the stone shelf, glorious and full of sobek's people. the mighty crocodile had bathed there once beside her.
Careful, very long and may bore some Made this years ago no one has ever appreciated it Its about my first Lover THe Snake
The snake blended in with the trees and friedrich was there with the snake coiled around him to make sure he didn't escape. he could feel its muscles tensing and then he saw what the snake saw. an elephant. this must have been a prize for the snake.
VTQ: A Tight Squeeze
The snake barely even cared to coil it's long body around my legs at the point, feeling the coils of the snake only around my feet at this point.
Shattered Dementions: Apprenticeship
Why he couldn't just float around kay and listen was beyond her, but it completely threw her off guard when he started to slither on the ground like a normal snake. after a few seconds of that, he drifted back to kay. "i can see what you mean.
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 16 - Gluttony
The serpent guardian." she smiled happily. "ahaa..." i understood and didn't understand at the same time. "and the other thing?" she smiled. shay was obviously tired, and i was just keeping her from the group. "i bit that guy.
Paradox - Chapter 3
Walking in, he saw a two snakes and a lizard crowded around a tied up female fox, with a dead one at their feet.