Anthro Adventures At Art Academy (Intro to series)

Story by Konor on SoFurry

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I want to know if this takes off with people before I make even more of the stories.

Sid had been living in the shared house for a week now, and was still settling in. The slightly smaller than average auburn wolf had enjoyed his time alone so far, it was a big change from the hustle and bustle he was used to, after being stuck in a care home for most of his life. He had lived with all the other unwanted pups, and was glad to finally be rid of the place once and for all, after passing the entrance exam to Geiger Art Academy and getting himself into a shared house. He lay there on his newly made bed, his black shirt had been undone for the last half an hour now, as well as his black jeans, which he had thrown on mindlessly. He was listening to the voices of his fellow students, they had disturbed him, which is why he wasn't fully dressed. They had arrived a few minutes ago, and Sid still hadn't made him self know to the others, he was too shy to go and greet a bunch of loud students this early in the morning.

While Sid lay there he started to think back to the care home, and how he would listen to the adults arguing all hours of the night, about who's shift it was next, and how much they hated being there, it was a lovely enviroment to grow up in. Then from out of the blue, the door swung open and with a loud crash it hit the wall. Sid looked over at the entrance in shock as a fuschia coloured fox entered the room, walking backwards, her tail swishing behind her. Sid could tell she was a vixen because of the clothes she wore. He sat up quickly in fear.

"I call this room guys!" The vixen shouted as she entered the room, as if she owned the place. She spun around on her hind paws and froze, surprised to see a wolf sitting up on the side of the bed, his head was cocked and he was staring back at her, reflecting the shock she felt. The next thing the other residents heard was the sound of a howl reverberating throughout the building, so loud even the neighbors jumped from their seats.

A young otter came running up the stairs and into the bedroom, to find what had happened. He was worried about who had made the noise, when he saw his friend standing next to the bed with her handbag in the air above a wolf he'd never seen before. The wolf, Sid, sat there rubbing his nose, whining in pain.

"He broke into my room!" The vixen yelled out, when she realised her friend had come to help her. The otter stood there, his paw covering his maw as he laughed at the two furs in the bedroom.

"You do know that's the other house mate, right Phyre?" Asked a young, green and yellow, male snake standing next to the laughing otter. Phyre, the fuschia fox, turned around to face her two friends, with a puzzled look on her face.

"What do you mean 'the other house mate'?" She replied to the snake's question, paying no attention to the poor wolf she had just beaten with her handbag; multiple times.

The snake explained how there had been a note telling them about the wolf living with them, to the fox's surprise. For a while afterwards the three new house mates questioned Sid about how his week alone had been, and also discussing which courses they were taking at the academy. So, as the next few days passed; Sid, Phyre, Koje the otter, and Kysnae the snake talked more often and began to form close friendships.

Phyre eventually apologised to Sid and let him keep her room. Koje had shown Sid around campus, and town, since he had lived close by with his parents he knew the area pretty well. The only one Sid had any problems with was the snake, Kysnae, who, outside of group situations, would simply ignore whatever Sid said and carry on with what he was doing.

Once class started, Sid was actually excited, because Koje was in the same class as him. They had already become close friends, so this made starting a new class easier. Everyday Sid, Phyre and Koje would meet up for lunch, joined by Kysnae every so often, when he felt like it. But would they stay so close in the face of adversity...