Lovin' A Feline Chapter 6
It wasn't until hours later when they all woke up and started by meeting with slippy and amanda.
Back To Sauria
Peppy still piloted the great fox despite his old age and falco remained a fighter pilot while slippy stuck to the mechanics since he was the only one who knew how the ship worked, then the boys noticed jewel staring through a window and heard what sounded
The Journal of Krystal
Stories by chaos lord: "fang the dragon ranger" "return of the dragon hero" "the three dragons" stories by spamzzkrr: "krr" "krrs" "kma" "cnr" characters used in these series: fox mcloud, falco, slippy(wherever he was), peppy, krystal, sally, wolf
Wiggling Tastes Best
Little webbed feet and undeveloped wings trying to get a grip on the slippy throat, giving it hope, while providing the heron a nice feeling and the pond a nice show.
the wet fox
It was evening, a light shower had passed though the forset it was very wet and slippy. dean was walking home from college, he is a fox about 20-23 he was about 5'11 or there abouse he had just finshed a three year course on hair dressing of tails.
Explorer's Medicine (Anthro Hippo TF/TG) [REQUEST]
However, they were more slippy than she anticipated and she fell into the river, victim to the current. she would be fine, but her medicine wouldn't.
Kazufox Interview #6
\*kazufox\*: (looking like slippy in thong) what? \*fara\*: aaahh!! not that! anything but that! (covers eyes) i'm afraid of what you'll be next. (looks anyways) \*kazufox\*: (looking like cloud in a thong) wanna see my sword?
Tails of the Stars 3 - An Independent Assault
"me too...um, need anything slippy?" "actually yeah...i kinda found out something about you that you might wanna hear, if you wanna hop back to the great fox for a li'l meeting?"
Silver: what is your take on slippy? fox: he can be a pain in the neck at times, but he's my puphood friend and i can't let anything bad happen to him. like when he crash landed on titania we just had to go save him!
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 6
"we can't leave the actual technology behind, we need it for our mission, but we are willing to share the schematics for most of our technology with the care bear family, and they will share it with you, slippy," fox stepped aside as slippy set a projector
ST: TDF Chapter 1
Understandably, falco, slippy, krystal, and katt, still kept their guard up and a watchful eye on the two. there's nothing out here." falco sidled up next to fox, her magenta eyes fixed on the same screen the vixen was studying. then she turned to her.
Star Fox Lost Chapers: Crimson Skies
I saw general pepper, peppy hare, falco lumbird, and slippy toad came from inside. i stared awestruck at the hanger of all my heroes. "so wolf, you want to join?" i did not know what to say so i uttered a few words. "do i get paid still?"