It jarred me out of my semi-sedate state of mind, and kicked me into reaction-mode. my hands found my rifle and my pack in seconds, and i flew from my vehicle towards a hardened outpost building.
A meeting with fate
I was wheeleed in to surgery and was sedated. three hours later i woke up. to the glorious sight of a sexy doberman. he said hello gorgeous and smiled seductively. the female nurse came in. tomorrow it is time for rehabilitation for your legs.
Day 1
#3 of days ok, please, someone give my muse a sedative, this is not healthy, its 2am and all i can think of is how much i have to keep writing.
Introducing the 'Hunter'
Giving the sedative time to work, the wolf put his own covers into the cage, and amde the wolfess what would be a nice bed.
Wolf Strain 7;9;42;50
"the sedative should wear off over the next half-hour," spoke a seemingly american male voice, "then we can prep him for the tests." "let me know what you have planned and i'll go make the proper lab arrangements."
Camping night (Commission for Jerrett)
"do i need to remind you my bite is sedative?" the snake whispered in his ear, making him squirm again. "no," jerrett answered, his cheeks flushing red. "my memory is working perfectly fine, thank you." "heh. for now, perhapsss..."
D.E1 Chapter 37 Forging Bonds
I've given you a very mild sedative so you can relax. you'll feel a little bit dizzy, but you'll be fine." "hi," husky said in a low voice as he entered the room. "can i come in?" "sure you can, my friend." the white female retcan replied.
It almost felt like having a cavity filled without sedatives, like someone was drilling down his teeth.
D.E1 Part II Epilogue
"it is a strong sedative." a retcan medic said. "but she will be alright." "thank you, brother. take her away and make sure she rests..." shadow said, now standing up.
Into Darkness: Bouyancy
Security officers or do-gooders are restraining the unhinged until sedatives can be administered. the frenzy of activity builds to a crescendo, and then-- "please! everyone, calm down!
Merlin's Revenge Chapter 22
His position on seattle's city planning council had always been a sedate low key background job. he liked it that way. he was feeling more than a little frazzled since everything had been turned upside down.
Burdens - Chapter 116: White
"they needed to give you some sedatives to transport you. the anti-inflammatory that you had taken was wearing off, and the tumor was beginning to shut down your body.