Kamen Rider Wild - Chapter 9: Running Out of Time

It says your conducting a scientific study?" it took a moment for felicia to find her voice again. "uh...y-yeah-yes.

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Lost Temple

She approached it from a purely scientific aspect and trying to figure out how he could have caused it to work scientifically, rather than by some sort of internal power.

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SINGULARITY : chapter 1: a perfectly normal day at the office

So he got to his office room and waited for daniel to arrive, he opened a big chamber inside the room, then the chamber door slowly opened, revealing a room full of gadgets of scientific proportions , then he got the most smallest of them , and then he fitted

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After Dark, part 2, chapter 3, snippet. It's been a long time.

I mean, imagine what humans would have if the church hadn't destroyed all scientific advances during that time? we'd be living in something like the jetsons... i can imagine, but i'd be lying if i had any real clue about what's down there." he shrugs.

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Story Segment -- Impossible Things

No one has ever performed a scientific study of the phenomenon; the reports are all anecdotal.

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Not your grandfather's science fiction

A short science-fictional scene i just wrote, after reading about some real and actual scientific research.

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Shiloniap Culture

Educatorium = a school, with both religious and scientific teachings. unlike our religious schools, everything is taught as the religion is lenient on the part of science.

World descriptions

Inside the realms, magic works, but technology doesn't, and vice versa for the "scientific realm", which is all the rest of earth not subsumed into the realms.

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Wildtouched Species Data

An attempt at writing a semi-scientific synopsis of the wildtouched custom species i use. hat tip to ringtail for inspiration, all those years ago.


Winterfall : An Open Invitation

Elric scoffed at the thought of such afables, believe only in what hard scientific findings, and not spoken word hogwash.


Project Azura: A guide to Valentia

Until recently they've been left alone, apart from the occasional duls scientific team or ship wreckage from an accident they've been relatively undisturbed by modern life. unfortunately, the sharks have become unintended casualties in the war.

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Chapter 2: Day Two

"they hail this as the pinnacle of scientific achievement, but it's only the beginning. we have a long way to go." "and at each step, the reporters can hype it up even more." felix chuckled, "exactly."

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