SINGULARITY : chapter 1: a perfectly normal day at the office
a story of one canine who tampered with the laws of physics
and ended up devestating the whole world. join him as he
tries to fix time itself and discover hidden secrets along the way
8:30, Year 2001
At a quiet old house lives a German shepherd by the name of Maxwell, Maxwell is not your average canine-working dog, but he works at a top secret laboratory in the northern Russia, where various classified experiments are being tested. Maxwell works for a man named "Daniel", Daniel is a common tabby who is the chief scientist in the laboratory, and nothing goes on in the lab without him knowing. Today is a special day for Maxwell, for today is the testing of their long-awaited research on the time-manipulating device or t.m.d., Maxwell and Daniel have been working hard and put many efforts on this research, they are hoping for a successful conclusion for this. So Maxwell got up out of his bed, got his uniform, and went to the garage and rode his car to work. When he finally arrived at the place, the gates opened and he went inside witnessing a huge laboratory at his sights, computers ,scientist ,lab equipment were everywhere .for an average person this would rather look strange for an office but for Maxwell it's just a perfect normal day at the office. So he got to his office room and waited for Daniel to arrive, he opened a big chamber inside the room, then the chamber door slowly opened, revealing a room full of gadgets of scientific proportions , then he got the most smallest of them , and then he fitted it right in his hand like a hand-heeled device , then he switched it on and the device lightened up, and it manually attached itself in Maxwell hands, and then the speaker spoke "welcome to the t.m.d. , time manipulating device. Energy ions are active and is fully functioning" then Maxwell said to himself "perfect". While Maxwell was gazing on the t.m.d. a knock on the front door was heard, it was Daniel , Daniel raised his watch and pointed at it, signalling Maxwell that it is time for the testing procedure. Maxwell quickly got out of the room and followed Daniel in the hall way. Maxwell walked beside Daniel in looked at him and said "do you think that this will work sir?" Maxwell said while looking at the T.M.D. "were not entirely sure my boy , but this will be the very first time were going to test it in a live specimen, well consider yourself lucky , you're on my side" said Daniel "what do you mean?" questioned Maxwell "well we have tested many living organisms way back before you started working here max, and most of 'em ,... well not quite successful" said Daniel "synthesize?" said max "well a lot of 'em explode on contact, have major mutations , fall apart , freeze ,burn , disintegrate and even turn inside out " said Daniel , then suddenly max froze , "y-you mean die?" questioned Maxwell "don't you worry dear boy , I have faith in you and luck that you will go successfully and go as on planned , cause if you don't , we don't have enough insurance to cover your death bills "said Daniel then Maxwell's throught raised up and swallowed back in again *GULP "ha-ha just kid din' me boy , I'll buy ya' a drink when we get there , in fact ill buy you a drink now , cause were already here!" Said Daniel . then a huge gate opened revealing a magnificent sight of technology everywhere , theres a huge stage at the centre with big mechanical claws on it and a big glowing sphere, and surrounding it with computers connected to the centre stage. "welcome! To makirov-12 mark 13!,were time will begin to be manipulated!" shouted Daniel . Maxwell was amazed by the sight , many online computers , holographic images ,and busy scientist roam the big room, then Daniel leaned on him and whispered "this is your chance to shine me boy make me proud!" said Daniel "alright places everybody Maxwell is here! And ready the procedure to start! Places everybody places! Man your stations man your stations " shouted Daniel to all the scientists , then all of the scientists went on their seats , while Daniel went upstairs on an observatory "testing,... testing, testing ,..(clears throat) all right Maxwell this should be flawless, I want to see big and excellent results here" said Daniel