The Long Journey Inside Warwick's Body Chapter 1
-warwick is a fictional character from league of legends made by riot games -the storyline belongs to me in an unknown force, you have been teleported to the place where the undergroung city is often called "city of iron and glass".
The Road Of Life - Chapter 5
At lunch things once again broke out into an open riot as they had earlier that morning, this time the attacks were not only directed at me and andrew but those who had stepped up to support us, to reveal their own sexualities.
Paraskepite- Chapter Four
The theory is: if i can't find the killer and pass it off as suicide then they may start rioting just for the sake they can start a riot and..." joseph said and deliberately paused so mike could finish the sentence.
Dust, Blood, and Fur (Teaser)
Many conspiracy theorists claim they were behind the terrorist acts in the past years, but no evidence can be found to support these claims. 2022: riots break out all over the north eastern coast of the us over declining employment and pay.
chapter 4: Mass hysteria
The guy can be panicing one minute and be a riot the next. he dosen't even act like the son of a rich guy. he never used the money his dad puts into a saving account except for medical emergencys or similar occasions.
Journal of Existence
Each and every day, i watch news about killings, shootings, rioting, climate changes and other nasty stuff. i'm a survivor and yet at any given moment i could very well be the next one to die.
Hgjysews's anthropomorphic canine history 2 Fox civil war(1176-1181)
The pessimists believed that they should surrender to the fox kingdom, and the conflict between the two rose to riots. on april 13, 1181, the chief of the tribe committed suicide. the fox tribe surrendered. the fox kingdom was established.
Dua’s Lust
_** **_her eyes the purest of light violets looked up at him her soft lips pursed softer than the most expensive cotton of the pharaohs with a smile that would calm the riots of the people and calm them with soothing words that flowed like warm honey
Where Minds Lay: Where the Line Blurs
I didn't make a previous appointment so he'll be out doing public deals in the corner riot's area. even while i head over there, my eyes scan the crowd to see if that stupid rapist shows up anywhere. would i even stop him if i saw him?
I expected turmoil, some internal riot, i got nullity. who, after all, if i cried out, would hear my wordless shout among the still trees and rustling leaves? who hears? who cares? who perceives this non-grief?
Merlin's Revenge Chapter 17
riots looting and the ever present and persistent mob mentality takes a toll. infrastructures get damaged, connections broken, gaps widen and the vicious circle grows.
Kittens and Swords
"but maybe we can get the workers to riot or something." "oh that sounds fun!" calex smiled. "what's a riot again?" "basically a lot of noise and shouting. but you get more people involved." arzure said.