FFTA:FC Chapter 4
"i'll explain later, babus," the prince said, still smiling, "but our guests really need to get some sleep.
Thundercats: The ones who fly at night
"it's prince tygra! he's here to save us!" "what? price tygra?" "the prince is here?" echoed other voices from the more distant cells. "shhhh." called the prince. "i'm here to help you, but i need to find my brother first.
The Lead Crown, Ch 6.6 Thaddius
When brother maynard slid a royal edict to the prince requesting a signature to see the man responsible punished thaddius accepted it with a shaking paw, gazing down to look at what was written. the prince regent was surprised at what he saw.
Spellbound (Wildehopps Enchanted AU)
The queen, that she'd found her prince charming to wed. or in this case, her prince nicholas. meanwhile, bellwether scoffed from her pedestal. the crystal ball in front of her, showing the tod and her daughter as they scurried across the fields.
The Lead Crown, Ch 4.6 Malcom
The prince reached over to rest a paw between his companion's shoulder blades; berro's tail tapped out a quiet, three-beat rhythm on the wooden floorboards.the soft footfall of the two story cottage's owner descending the stairs didn't escape the prince's
The Lead Crown: Ch 6b, The Brightest Blossom (Pt 5)
The wolverine was very good at evading the pronghorn's inferred question, "with the prince reagent. always."
The Fall of the Elvish Kingdom
He did not lose time inspecting the hall but headed to the throne, where a dormant prince sat peacefully. "your highness!" called galanmyr so the prince woke up. "it's an honor to me to be in your presence."
The New Couple Chapter 6
One the guards said, "the defender and prince of wels, prince fyrster." i entered the room, as it seemed most of the dukes were arguing. that was, until i entered further into the room, they suddenly looked at me.
On My Country's Honor pt. 1
"okay so when i interview prince william i want you to keep the camera steady and...." suddenly the front motorcycle exploded in a puff of smoke.
Clown Mare 10-3
Rane got out of the carriage along with the prince behind her. prince blue dream grabbed her right hoof and walked down the red rug together. she looked up for a few seconds at the blue sky.
Lore: Vulpeculan Principalities
These are looked down upon by even the slaves of the princes and they are often subject to raids from the princes so that they can collect fresh slaves.
Light Bane: Chapter 35
No one would see the difference if they did not know the deposed prince personally.