On My Country's Honor pt. 1

Story by Wolf Trooper on SoFurry

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On My Country's Honor pt. 1

On My Country's Honor pt. 1

The Enemy Attack

The city of Belfast was remarkable beautiful this time of year. The city was bright and lively as the children played on the sidewalks. It was a wonderful spring day. The streets were busy and very crowded too. Driving on one of those busy streets was a long black limousine with a military motorcade. Behind it was a little cab whose passengers were a lovely young American fox couple. But they weren't there for the sit seeing, they were there on strict business. One of the passengers was a young vixen named Jessica Fitzgerald, soon to be Jessica Kristofferson. Her copper cream fur and bright blonde hair seemed to brighten in the sunlight and greatly reflected her personality.

"Oh my God I can't wait to meet him!" Jessica said with excitement in her voice.

For a young vixen of twenty-five she had a bright future ahead of her. She was a young intern as CBS news with hopes of becoming a reporter and she had just been given the assignment that would launch her career. She was sent to Belfast to cover a peace agreement between the IRA and the British government. But that wasn't why they were there no! The real reason they were there was because Prince William himself was personally overseeing the peace process! Now that was a good story. They were personally allowed to follow. Her future twenty-six year old husband, Aaron Kristofferson was also excited. Not because he was going to see Prince William but because this was the first time in over ten years that they had been together. You see they met each other in Connecticut when they were both in middle school. After years of dating (and a little bit of love making) they were practically already a couple when they were seniors in high school. But that had to temporarily end because after graduation, Aaron joined the army and was later deployed to Afghanistan. Aaron was a fine young todd, who had grown up in a military family which was one of the reasons he joined. He was first deployed with the 101st Airborne Division, but when he was about twenty, he enlisted in the elite 75th Ranger Regiment where he would serve the rest of his military career. But that was all over now. He was no longer a soldier. He was going to have a wife. He was going to start a new life.

"I know my love," Aaron responded with a grin on his vulpine muzzle.

"Just think Aaron," Jessica smiled back. "Today will hopefully launch my career as a reporter."

Aaron smiled back.

"And launch a new life for us." he replied.

They both smiled at each other. They were happy that they finally got to settle down. Little did they suspect, that was about to change.

As Prince William's limousine was closing in on a quiet city street, an old beat up van was surreptitiously watching it. The driver was an Irish cat named Erick while his two passenger where two ermines all dressed in camo jackets. They were Patrick and Felicity. Patrick was thirty while his little sister was only eighteen. They were all waiting for Prince William. But they weren't there to see the peace process. They were actually trying to stop it. They were all members of a renegade IRA group call the Republican Ulster Army or the RUA. Erick was their leader. He had been planning this for some time now. Patrick was polishing his new toy, a Colt 727 assault rifle, when he noticed his little sister shaking.

"Problem baby sis?" he asked in his thick Irish accent.

His little ermine sister nodded her head.

"I'm scared Paddy " she looked like she was about to cry. Felicity was very thin and very frail. She had very silky long black hair too.

Patrick gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder. Ever since their parents died he was very protective of her.

"Don't worry," he assured her "I'm not going to let anything happen to ye. Ye understand?"

She nodded.

"Just follow my lead," he said.

Suddenly Erick turned around to face both of them. His black feline face with a white stripe mark across his face was tense.

"They're almost here! Paddy boy, did ye place the semtex?" he asked.


Earlier that day, Patrick had placed semtex explosive on the road where he knew the limousine was going to come which would serve as their diversion. After that they would kill Prince William's personal body guards, grab him and his wife and take off in the van. Erick grabbed his AKM assault rifle and loaded a magazine into it. "Get ready," he said as he covered his face with a black ski mask.

Patrick loaded his rifle and put on his ski mask too, hiding his gray fur and black hair. He then helped his sister get her mask on. He then handed her a Jericho pistol.

"Like I said just follow my lead. I'm not going to let anyone hurt ye." he reassured her.

His ermine sister took the pistol and nodded.

"A'right ye two," Erick said "they're approaching. Remember the plan now, I'll hold off the British pigs, you grab Prince Willy and his wife."

Patrick nodded and looked at his sister again.

"Ready?" he said

She nodded. "Yes"

Aaron and Jessica were still in the back of their VIP cab talking about the story she was about to shoot. Aaron got the lucky job of being his fiancé's cameraman. She was explaining to him what she was going to do and what she wanted him to do.

"Okay so when I interview Prince William I want you to keep the camera steady and...."

Suddenly the front motorcycle exploded in a puff of smoke. The other two motorcycle policeman lost control of their bikes and crashed into a nearby fence. Several people who were on the street were screaming and running. Jessica jumped in her seat and screamed. Their driver (and old Irish hound who had lived in the '70s and '80s during the Troubles) was swearing. Suddenly an old beat up van came roaring out of a nearby parking lot and came to a screeching halt in front of Prince William's limousine blocking its path. Almost immediately after, three armed individuals wearing black ski masks jumped out of the vehicle. Although Aaron was just as surprised as everyone else, he remained calm and acted quickly. Ranger training had taught him that.

"GET DOWN!"he shouted as he grabbed Jessica and tossed her to the floor of the car. That was when the armed men started firing their weapons. Then the glass windshield of the cab shattered as stray bullets struck their car with high velocity. The driver of their cab wasn't so lucky. His body jerked and shook as the bullets ripped through his body like hot knives through melted butter. Blood was spattering everywhere as the body of the cab driver slumped down in his sit. Jessica was still screaming. There was blood on her face but luckily it was from their driver. Aaron then noticed a Berretta 92 pistol in the driver's glove compartment.

"Wait here!" he shouted to Jessica as he reached over and grabbed the pistol "And keep your head down!"

"WHAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" she shouted at him. But Aaron had left the bullet riddled cab. Aaron sprinted across the road and took shelter behind an abandoned car and ducked down. He carefully picked up to see what was going on. The driver was armed with an AKM and was shooting at the police while his two accomplices were shooting at the limo.


Aaron, suddenly charged at the two while the driver was distracted and opened fire.

Patrick suddenly feltas if he had just been punched real hard in the arm. He dropped his rifle and fell to the ground. His right arm was bleeding badly and he was disoriented. He turned to see his attacker: a red fox wearing casual clothes holding a pistol.

"FELICITY LOOK OUT!" he shouted to warned her but it was too late. Just as Felicity turned around the fox opened fire and she was shot several times. Her Jericho pistol flung out of her hands and hit the ground with a loud clang. Her body then slumped over and she fell to the ground where she remained limb. Patrick was horrified.

"Fa- felicity?" he stuttered at the pain in his arm as he crawled to her. But she didn't answer. Blood was leaking from her bullet wounds forming a small pool on the concrete. "Paddy!" she suddenly gasped out. Her breathing was very weak.

Patrick reached out with his left arm and he took off her mask and gently caressed her face. Her white fur was now stained red with blood.

"Yeah that's right brother's here!" he gasped out desperately trying to comfort her.

Felicity struggled to talk again.

"Pad..." suddenly her breathing stopped and the muscles in her face sunk. Patrick felt tears building up. His baby sister was no longer with him.

"STAY ON THE GROUND!" he heard the fox shout. He had an American accent. Patrick looked up staring down the barrel of a gun.

"STOP PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Aaron heard a British soldier yell. Just then Four ferrets armed with L85a2 rifles and dressed in British military attire rushed to the scene. Jessica was with them.

"It's alright, we're British Army." one of them explained. Aaron lowered his weapon. Adrenaline was still pumping through his body. He could hear police sirens and ambulances driving to the scene. He then realized that he forgot about the third gunner.

"There was a third gunner.."

"Coward dropped his weapon and drove off." the ferret soldier immediately answered. " And don't worry Prince William and his wife are okay. C'mon we have a few questions to ask you."

They escorted him and Jessica to a police vehicle. He offered them a cup of tea which Aaron turned down as Jessica kept kissing him and cursing at him. He noticed an AKM rifle on the ground. It was jammed with a bullet stuck in the chamber. The other terrorist must of ditched it before he fled. A police officer was checking the dead female's pulse. He then proceeded to cover her body with a white sheet.

"Poor thing," the officer said. "Poor girl's had it."

Meanwhile the injured IRA terrorist was cuffed and hauled into a police vehicle. Aaron caught a quick glimpse of the ermine terrorist. The terrorist stared at him with an evil look in his eyes. With murderous eyes.

"What have I gotten myself involved in." he said to himself. Something was telling this fox that his stay in Northern Ireland was going to be longer than he thought.