The Beginning of Red's Great Adventure

"the stream is polluted, the gras gone, the pokemon have fled, the leaves have fallen because of you humans!", he bellowed. with a deep breath he closed his eyes and from his body came the plates which gave him power.

Moonlit Metal

Herself worthy of the position, swiftly maturing into an effective field commander, leading her comrades on hit and run raids on the former capitol city of mobotropolis, now rechristened robotropolis and transformed from a pristine, utopian paradise into a polluted

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One group built a mighty fleet of many vessels and set off into space, where their was no air to be polluted and poisoned by the weapons of terrankind and they could live freely in their mighty armada of ships, floating between the planets in the cold void

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Not only accept but embrace their "robotic overlords" as better at practically everything, most humans here lived off of a system of universal income, while with exacting efficiency android drivers guided public transport, hovering air scrubbers controlled pollution

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 17

The rock, again, wasn't cleaned, and the foods andreas left were still there, polluting the forest. juagar then sat on the rock, watching the sky, and soon dozed off.

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The Assassin Chapter 1

Chapter 1: day at the office the year is 2053 and surprisingly the earth hasn't gotten blown up or too polluted or something.

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Endless Struggle: Chapter 2

"wow, a natural spring unspoiled by robotnik's pollution." tails carefully sniffs at the water, "it even smells clean too!" "that is why i chose this spot. three of the four elements are present here. earth, water and wind.

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The Lost One: New World

A glance at the horizon and a sniff told her the air was mostly clean with very little pollutants. she noticed a few flying vehicles off in the distance but none seemed to be dumping any pollutants into the air.

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Chapter 5 - The Lovers

Elcypse had agreed to go with her across the continents and travel by plane to the continent in the west, partly because he had always wanted to see chentrilla city which made a welcome changed from the polluted landscape of gia.


Confessions- Part 1

The breeze was light and carried the faint fresh and flowery scent of aran-brand anti-pollution purifiers. shade sat near a bottle of blue winter while rayne nursed his earth-brand beer. "so, i was thinking we could hit up the casino," rayne said.

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Ragnarok - V

One final touch remains, as this thing walks behind it picture clumps of sodden ash fallen from every chink and armor hole leaving of foul pollution a foul trail.

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Orchid Chapter 1 - Arboreal Whispers

"you are not here to hunt, decapitate the land of its trees, or even pollute the soil?" "n-no?" i frowned. "i'm just here to do some foraging." "honestly?" "honestly." "then." he turned his back over to me, his head kept down. "follow me."

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