A path away from pain

"don't worry soon none of this will matter just lay back and close your eyes" he said pushing against the fox's chest "soon you won't need to care about friends, girlfriends or family, none of those people who only cared when you pretended to be happy" the

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Hunger of a Dragon

none question the dragon it knew. the fair was happy being called innocent and gave the dragon it's proper tribute but the dragon only took one swine offered as the piglet was considered the other.


Ragnarok - XXI

I know none." "but that," said shane, "only makes more impossible that i should be here. how, if to the dead such seals are very death, if to the dead such death is a dead end, comes it that i did cross?

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Change in Venue- February

So far none of the terrorist groups have stepped forward claiming responsibility for the event." "turn that thing off, would you?" amanda demands as she throws the case file onto the desk before scooting back and out of her chair.

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Rogue Wind - The Nobles

Compared to a lot of other boats nathan had traveled on this one was quite small, but it seemed well decorated none the less. 'no pay is necessary, my only wish is confronting reliath.''

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Still, he was 25 meters of dragon, and though some trees might be taller still, none could resist him.

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Creating a character

Npc; none automatic languages zok bonus languages rashanian, kledish, nmarian lands zok, kled jackal tribes iron will... steel muscles... and the courage of the demi-gods...

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 145

none of this was right. none of this was fair.

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Dracon's Origin Story V2

The magi gasped in disbelief for none showed such power. he gasped even more when he saw the pure white eyes of dracon. they seemed to pulse with power beyond a dragons measure.

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Max: Character Info.(My life as a furry)

** ** ** **date of birth: may 7** ** ** **birth place: miami florida ** ** ** **current residence: america, living at brimmington boarding school** **occupation: unemployed** ** ** **roommate: none (has

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Blank Verse Essay on Intentionality in Queer Fiction

Let not it be that all our stories are of worlds where homophobia is not, for none of us will ever live in one. i do not say here 'no more happy ends.' i rather say 'put some within my reach.'

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You Make Me Cry

none of them were good; none really gave a shot at the answers he wanted. he wasn't sure there was an answer. "wh... i..." the deer stammered slowly, only just starting to catch up, and with that, to panic. "did i do something wrong?"

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