Dragonstone Magical Adventures prologue.
And so it continued over the years, the misery, the death, and the suffering.
A New State - medium poem
A hated place, full of misery and doubt, hated by one and hated by more, loved by the blind, the dumb, the fake, this is where i make my temporary nest. it's where i tried ending, where i found anew, love and life, hope and beauty.
Say My Name Once More
You're breaking my heart while i wait in misery what have i done wrong i need to know is it what i said or what i've never shown?
The Fox of the Frozen North
The vulpine frolicked in the snow, filled with newfound joy, no longer did he walk with sadness, gripped by misery's ploy; thus, with determination, the creature traveled forth, for he was a wondrous beast, a fox of the frozen north.
New Hopes: Escape
Far away from the pain and misery. she trips once and almost fell, but she catches herself pauses. her breaths coming in gasping pants. her tongue lolled out of her muzzle; in a vein attempt to cool her body temperature.
Poem #29: Truth and Lies
Cool, with your expensive clothes, house, car, and family; so loving, being with more than one at a time; so humble, mentioning only your best achievements; so loved, by all your peers you don't know; so open, covering up all the pain, the misery
When 100% is 50%
You see, there's no such thing as putting in your love 200%, or 300%, because that's euphoria to me; to put your devotion into multiple people, and giving me that '100%' is putting me at misery.
Poem #65: Alone
Each sits in pain and misery: two men sit alone, in the dark, together. ~bhscorch [!
Windows to the Soul
The window that i see, open to my misery, i close to men, to seal me in. a facade is all they'll see. and so i hide and wait to end, with all the pain and sorrow, my terrible, but only friend.
I feel the siren's call
There is much more to me than my misery, and that guides my hand and staves off my enemy. in words i melt myself down and fling myself at my mercy.
My Heart
Body is beat, i will not give up, i will not stop, i will keep climbing until reach the top, each and every day that passes me by, i used to walk with my head held high, but i was used and abused, i have no joy, now i walk with sadness, gripped by misery's
Despair, my Dear
misery, mistress, bittersweet, you know me by first name. you taunt and gloat as my bleeding heart, it refuses to be tame. agony, sweet and pure, only as i break, my heart for you, so destitute, and distraught in your wake.