Poem #65: Alone

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#66 of Poetry

This poem was inspired by a good friend of mine who used to cut herself. When you're in pain, you feel like you're all alone in the world.


Two boys sit alone in the dark:

One has love and the other hate.

Two friends from birth they became,

Only to have the world break them apart.

The boy with love

Remembers days when his father

Walked in the doorway smelling

Of urine, alcohol, and bile;

When his father's hands

Clenched into fists and beat

Against his son's skin.

He remembers all the bruises

Hidden beneath black cloth;

Eyes cast down in shame

Wishing he could escape the pain.

He remembers days when he sought guidance;

Walked into doorways where others

Were waiting there smiling at him.

They talked about the evils

To close the wounds inside.

The boy with hate

Can't stand going home each day

To see his mother with a needle

In her arm. Her arms

Are red from scratching at

Imaginary things, and her hair

Is falling out in clumps.

He can't bear the sight

Of her slow, agonizing death,

So he takes the knife

And slices with cool steel

Across his skin. Rivulets of

Blood drip down his arm,

Releasing his agony inside.

The boy with love

Trembles beneath scars from memory.

The boy with hate

Makes scars on his arm today.

These two boys are forced to become men,

Forced to deal with their own pain;

But they both need relief,

And so find each other.

Each sits in pain and misery:

Two men sit alone, in the dark, together.


Creative Commons License

"Alone" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.