An Unlikely companion chap.2: More than a friendly visit.

Chad mentioned while starting to ponder about the young feline. they were now inside the house as will was showing chad to the living room where most of the company that visits his house goes.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 16

Not to mention that he gave him the perfect response on a platter, if he would mention the green boy he doubted flare would cooperate any further. this iris might have been the leverage he was looking for.

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This mentions acing? that's when you roll a maximum on your dice. if you roll the max number on your die, you get to roll again and add that number to your roll. this mentions raising? if you beat the required result by 4, you 'raise.'


An Unexpected Outcome

Might i mention it didn't even try to attack me. and then it started warping away in one direction through a desert biome. i was like "get back here dammnit! :i" so i followed it.


After the Storm - Part 22 [The Interview - Part 2]

"you keep mentioning that avalon and arkha might end up fighting... why?" "that is the backlash that the hypno mentioned about the blood of avalon." the garchomp said.

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Journey to another world ch9

Not to mention buy you could also collapse a persons wind tunnel that way. the guy fell to his knees grabbing at his throat, gasping for breath. for you see that place is almost like hitting your throat but not quite.

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Chatting with his Ex (Ratchet & Clank fic)

I think phantom may have mentioned a president of the solana galaxy or something?" "yeah, she was his daughter." talwyn explained. "ratchet met her while saving solana from dr.


P.O.D.S Manual

Also mentioned earlier, is that navis can't use cards from other elements, except for generic which is the neutral element that anyone can use. now for the different cards that are at an admin's disposal.

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Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 3

Logan mentioned back, "it's... distracting." "so don't ask em." he shot back. "don't let them 'fester' i told you what you needed to know before, mister 'millionaire.'" the man mentioned as it made logan wince and awkwardly chuckle.

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 8

Did the magazine article mention your workplace?" venti opened his mouth to dispute his father's theory, then closed it shut. not only could his father figure out he lived within walking distance of the cafe, the article did mention where he worked.

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 19

He never mentioned it to sam. then the realization caught up with him like a sledgehammer to the chest. he never mentioned sam's name to earl, and yet the hyena knew it. venti stood up halfway, glaring at sam, then earl.

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Everything you want to know about Cheshires - Chapter 0

Execution by impalement is the most extreme example i can think of mentioning that involves using only a pole with nothing else attached to it.

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