Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 33
"please mr steel; think about this, no one wants a hopeless doberman when there is a loving labrador to pick" that was all i needed to hear, leo was prepared to stay at the home whilst mikey got his chance at life, and i turn around with a wide smile on my
The Art of Racing in the Human World: Chapter 2
Shouted jarrod at a pair of anthro labradors, who were in charge of loading the four cars, and the supplies, onto an old surplus u.s. air force c-141 cargo plane.
The Abyss ~ (***an unfinished story*** see description)
At six feet tall, he could be considered a very handsome black labrador. he's muscular, and free from any deformity that could be deemed 'imperfect'. he is the pinnacle of perfection. any guy would love to be him. any guy would love to be with him.
2112: A Chimera's Perspective
Atlantyz is where i live by choice and it claims the entire eastern sea board from newfoundland, labrador and quebec up north through to florida, alabama and mississippi in the south the philadelphia metroplex in the province of pennsylvania is
The World Games Convention - Chapter 2: A letter to Dewi
It consists of three guys including me and three girls and we've got quite a mix, there's john who's a german shepherd who i think might be an alcoholic, him and clara (a lovely but crazy labrador) have gone out every night during fresher's week and every
Evolution Part I: Chapter Fifteen
He was also strongly labrador in characteristics, but his coat was chocolate. i l sat down near chocolate-lab as he was lying in the shade of the concrete house, his nose inches away from the music toy.
Secret BB Infinity Webisode Short #2: Daddy's Day!
The labrador, who had heard this cry from rian all too often, wasn't fooled.
New Horse: "Separate Ways"
In the refrigerator at home such beer was waiting him, as faithful as an old black labrador retriever and nearly as strong and dark. might be a day to catch up on some gardening too; but first, the beer.
Kaiju Hunters 3-Day One
He was a labrador. both of us were given wooden swords and stood in center ring, at the sound of the bell the fight was on with rick scoring the first blow. "point!"
A Romantic Night
The labrador's free arm wrapped around the ferret while his free paw rested just above her hip. "i never knew you could be like this," rachel whispered in his ear. "only when i wanna be," he whispered back.
Diago's Adventures in Australia
The retriever yipped with excitement as the plane touched down, the skies outside as blue as blue could be - a far cry from the stormy skies of England he had left. His brown coat glistened; his blue eyes glittered with excitement as he fidgeted in his...
Shaydes of the Past 2- Tiger's Eye
Ty-long didn't look angry; he simply stared at the labrador. 'do not touch what you cannot use, young one,' was all he said. 'play with your stick first. learn to use it.' the 'stick' in question was shayde's katana.