The Abyss ~ (***an unfinished story*** see description)

Story by Moonlight555 on SoFurry


ATTENTION! This is an unfinished story, and I will probably never get around to writing any more of it. So, I have an offer for you guys. I give everyone full creative freedom to modify, and add to this story. That's right, YOU CAN FINISH THIS if you'd like. I've set a scene, and I've set the stage for something bigger to happen.

So, have fun with it. You can change anything. Make it a boy and girl. Change the names. Have it set in Japan, or New York. I don't care. It's up to you. You can describe the events leading up to this scene. Tell us the tail of what happens after this scene. Finish this scene out. Write your own version of this scene. You can even write an entire novel off of this one idea. Have fun with it.

I only ask one thing of you. Post the story you write, and send me a link so I can read it.

It was a cold stormy night. Water poured from the sky as if the earth was mourning the great loss of a lover. One would hardly be able to stand under the thick droplets of water, even with an umbrella. They pelt you like the stones thrown long ago. Fast and hard. Through the rain the moon shines bright. It's light forming a path between tall buildings. A path I follow aimlessly, with only one hope. For it all to end. The darkness, the hate. My soul, is infected by the taunting of others. Call me weak, call me a coward. It doesn't matter. It'll all end soon. It's just a matter of time.

"Maverick!" His voice... I hear it still in my head. Calling my name. Wanting to cause more harm, more pain.

"Mav." His voice... It's not in my head. The rain ceases to fall on my soaked head. I feel the warmth of a paw resting on my shoulder penetrate my chilled body. I close my eyes and turn my head away.

"Don't do this to me. Not again. I'm done with this endless roller coaster." My words come choked with a mixture of fear and hatred. A pair of furry arms encase my frozen chest. Heat pierces through my fur, and deep into my core, sending a shock through my body that travels up and down my spine like an electric spider.

"Never again." His voice speaks into my ear, softly. As much as I'd like to believe him, I can't. He's stabbed my heart with a million knives. There is no forgiveness to be had. He's stolen forgiveness from me so many times. I break away from his embrace, tears streaming down my cheeks. I propel myself back into the freezing cold rain, then turn to face him.

The person in front of me no longer seemed familiar and friendly. I can see him for the monster he is. At six feet tall, he could be considered a very handsome black labrador. He's muscular, and free from any deformity that could be deemed 'imperfect'. He is the pinnacle of perfection. Any guy would love to be him. Any guy would love to be with him. At first, I was... I couldn't see him for what he is. He blinded me with good looks, and a flashy charm. He made me believe that I was in love. Well no more. Never again. My heart has too many holes in it. It's time to end this, once and for all.

"Fuck you!" I scream at him.