TCN interview: Adam Orr

#5 of tcn welcome back to our ongoing interviews with individual members of the orr family of timeline hdk-154. today we have adam orr. as with all individual interviews, this one follows a pre established set of questions.

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WeylandYutaniCorporation Date Log22361AG

Wonders of technology, with bodily and neural implants, individuals needed far fewer hours of sleep to function, or even none at all.

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When in Doubt

He knows that if one individual commands a troup, and they attack without him knowing, they could screw things up for him. if general chomper gave such power to another individual, it would mean disaster for him and his cause."

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The Great Adventure

In the end however, it all comes down to the individual, the moment and the soul... the door slid open with a subtle hiss; it's well lubricated hinges silent and secure.

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Bowser Jr.'s punching bag

Second, this individual must volunteer for this task - we might kidnap, but we don't beat up our prisoners.

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Sanrose Bio (Updated with birth history)

Disadvantages: rage, (when angered to an extent, he goes into a raged frenzy and will most likely attack innocent individuals.)

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The Stranger in the Winds Ch.1

A mystery individual spoke up. both zahn and sasha turned around quickly. zahn had taken that same stance as earlier. sasha looked at the individual before smiling. standing in front of them was a female lizard.

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Dark Origins: Revelations: Part 2

Matt could only continue and watch and be awed by how well jason seemed to handle himself until a smaller individual joined in and forced him to change into his full dorzeli form in order to fight off their combined attacks.

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The Guilded Cage, Ch 7

In fact, one of the lizard folk working with the kobolds was one of the few individuals in st almar outside the holy temple who had any familiarity with potions.

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Rose- interview Part 1

It's filled with a bunch of some small round object encased in individual wrappers. i grab one and look at it.

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Small to the smaller

"warning: this hot-sauce can not be given to shrunken individuals under any circumstances. tests have shown that it induces shrinking on already shrunken individuals." he looked to the sandwich, his only hope to be seen at this size.


Change in Venue- December

She crumples to the floor in response to the pain and looks up, seeing the eye shine effect from the other individual's somewhat elliptical pupils staring down at her with interest.

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