The Road Of Life - Chapter 11

For at least an hour we cuddled in silence, a long forgotten peace and calm returning to our lives after a great time of heartache and sorrow.

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Azure Phoenix, Chapter Seven

She paused, and some of the anger drained from her face, replaced by heartache. "...really thought you were different," she whispered, and with that, she threw off the blanket and began packing her things up. "zuri, zuri, wait!"

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Secrets Ch. 24

Smiling softly, if a bit sadly, she says, "well you were both very young the last time you saw each other, and you have endured so much heartache, so i'm not surprised if you don't remember, but i can assure you that he remembers you and has missed you every

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I slowly removed my shoe-protected footpaw from the gas pedal with slight sorrow, the same kind of heartache one would get by removing two lovers from one another. i remained patient, though, and swerved my car back and forth to warm my tires.

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In the Negative: Chapter 13

They had seen in him love and seen heartache, and, though he did not know it, he acted like the glue that held them together when times in their relationship proved too painful for the heart to stand.

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Finding My Husband in Another World Season 2: Capter 2: The Bard

It's not enough to make you fall asleep but it will help with the heartache you're currently feeling." he took the vial and tasted it. "it's sweet." then he downed the whole amount. "you're right, i doo fee bettah."

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 35- Prevention

He knew he should be looking forward to the end of his heartache. but why wasn't he...? the next morning hit lukan in the face before he even realized it. there were no dreams to be had.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 31- Impossible Decision

The very idea of heartbreak and heartache simply hurt too much for him to answer in any other way.

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Changes of heart - Part 2: Demons

His sexuality had caused him some heartache while growing up, and when he failed to change himself, he'd thrown his full weight and attention behind the advanced training program offered by the local masters.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 16- Hidden Thoughts

A fittingly similar word too: heartache. eventually, lukan was able to get himself out of bed before he would be forced to go to work by reality telling him his plans can never work unless he builds up the funds he needed to make them work.

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: CH 4 : Where things went wrong

But she still felt too tired to complain, and her thoughts were suddenly overtaken with heartache. the dream she was having wasn't real after all, nick wasn't back, he wasn't there with her once again.

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Black Meridian 18: Running on Fumes

"unfortunately they all seem very committed to not sharing any of their damn feelings, if that's what they want to do they deserve the heartache." clementine narrowed her eyes playfully, chuckling.

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