Dark Angel - Chapter 1
The girl was hairless, beautiful lavender eyes, relatively small muzzle like that of a tiger or other big cat, her ears were somewhat rounded like that of a zebra pink nose, average tail, & toothless as all babies should be. the boy was another story.
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 9: We must help him!
Spyro came over from pain and looked his attacker behind cynder and saw ranger's face: totally hairless face except dark brown eyebrows and long brown hair top of his head, beige smooth skin, really short nose making it's face look rather flat.
OutFoxxed!! - Part 2
Unnatural hairless beasts pulled ploughs, driven by seriously malnourished zombie like figures, wearing little more than torn rags.
Fyve 1: A Day In The Life
"not just the trolls and the bovine tauren, but the humans and the dwarves... the blood elves too, with their hairless pink skin and their five-fingered hands. despite what some may tell themselves, we are animals."
The Springs (Husky Mermaid TF/TG) [TRADE]
This change was all the way up to his waist, becoming sleek and furless, the skin color matching his upper fur color however.
But just before she hit the ground, something massive, hairless, and smooth coiled around her.
A night in the library
He was surrounded by some kind of furless beasts. everything seemed wrong. -"come on, boy, i can do anything you want. so tell me, what is it that you desire?"
The Brink: The day of opening.
The creators where some sort of speices of giant hairless ape that simply vanished from the island a month before the tubes opened. information on the technology of the island helped greatly with the restoration process.
Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Eighteen
Bh has become someone called reverend lord and he leads the hairless apes but they now call themselves humans after their prophet was murdered by some unidentified fur.
Unified Species of the Galaxy (Scrapped)
(i see it very commonly that "furry" characters are given a weight as if they were hairless and have no tail, just to best represent the human [or the human desired build] that's pretending to be that character.)
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 5(.0)
Snow was surprised to see that the boy was naked and completely hairless. uthran almost stumbled as he stepped onto the firm ground and stood breathing heavily for a time before shivering.
In The Land of Ancients: Chapter 2
Placing my now hairless paw against the rough, jagged surface of the brick wall, i picked myself up, forcing my legs through the water as i walked along the wall, tracing my paw against it incase i might find a door or a path way in this pitch black room.