The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 9: We must help him!

Story by Mkananoja on SoFurry

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#9 of The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past

Chapter 9 - We must help him!

"SPYRO NO!!" Cynder yelled loud as her lungs allowed her. She lunged between Spyro and ranger facing this unknown hostile creature. Pain where strong on Spyro's throat but ranger's arrow has barely missed it's target and leaved deep bleeding cutwound side of his throat. Spyro came over from pain and looked his attacker behind Cynder and saw ranger's face: Totally hairless face except dark brown eyebrows and long brown hair top of his head, beige smooth skin, really short nose making it's face look rather flat. Lighted small lips. Spyro has ever seen such creature but he recognised it's emotions clearly. ' Fear? Is it scared? Terrified?' Cynder stared ranger with fierce, took one step closer and where about to unleash her corrosive breath on ranger.

"Cynder stop! I'm okay, I'm fine." Spyro shouted Cynder turned her head slowly keeping her stare on Ranger long as possible.

" You must be kidding Spy--LOOK OUT!" Cynder tried to warn Spyro about orc that Spyro thought he had knocked out where standing again and had sword raised against Spyro. Spyro turned around quickly but before he could see orc something flew just over Cynder's and Spyro's head and when Spyro saw orc, orc where looking his own chest where small knife has struck his heart and fell on knees. Cynder felt knife flew over her head and turned her attention back on ranger with such anger that she failed to realise ranger's, whose arm where still raised hand and whose face turned from determination back into scared one, intentions. Ranger didn't trow knife against her but the orc behind her and Spyro, but Cynder unleashed her acid breath towards ranger. Ranger siderolled out of the way, got up and began running away. After few steps however strong greenish arm grasped ranger from it's shoulder and lift it up from ground with ease.

"Got you now!" orc with ironplate groaned and turned his face towards two dragons with a big smile.

"I knew those footprints belonged to dragon and where worth of checking out. But this outcast being here as well... This is a gift from wargods. Thank you for keeping it here for us." Ranger took yet another knife under his cape and tried to hit leader with it but orc grabbed ranger's hand and squeezed it until ranger where forced to drop it. Ranger kicked orcish leader several times but this made orc only laugh.

"Haha, Cynder isn't it? I remember you where alot bigger!" Cynder got confused for a moment but anger took place quicly.

"Who are you and what you want from ranger?" Cynder asked.

"Edgard Strongarm is name and what we want from this pester is none of your business." Edgard finished and commanded nearby orcs:

"You three! Escort me back to camp! Rest of you, Kill those dragons!" Edgard turned around and fled from paused battle with three other orcs with him. Spyro heard ranger yelling with somehow familiar voice and language he has heard before but didn't understand

"Päästä irti niin näytän miten puukko upotetaan niskaasi!" Ranger shouted.

"My dream. That creature is the one I saw in my dream" Spyro spoke to himself

"Cynder we need to go and help that ranger!"

"But it almost killed you!" Cynder said keeping eye on remaining nine orcs.

"I know but he thought there was orc behind him, not me. And he shot before he realised that."

"He? You know this thing?" Cynder asked. Spyro thought for a moment before he answered.

"Yes, in my dreams and we must act quickly before Edgard gets too far!"

"You can't be serious! Dreams shouldn't be reason to rescue someone who has tried just moment ago to kill you!" Cynder continued as she lunged towards orc who has come too close, hit him to his stomach with her head, quickly followed by her backward sommewault tailstrike on his jaw sending orc flying backwards and crashing on other orc behind him.

"I rescued you without having dreamed about it..." Spyro said slowly and quietly but Cynder heard what he said and she remembered times when she has fought against Spyro when she was still under Dark master's influence and how her inner self yelled to stop but she didn't listen it and she fought with rage against Spyro. Cynder looked Spyro with sadness and shame on her face what she has done in past.

"But that was best decision in my life and best days in my live includes you." Spyro continued.

"Spyro I..." Cynder emotional imbalance where tossed aside when she heard one orc yelling while charging towards them. She turned around determined and battleready, dodged orc's powerful strike from his club with ease by jumping above his head. She spinned around on air and cut orc's throat with hear tailblade.

"Fine! We rescue this creature of yours, but I swear if 'he' tries anything I shread 'him' into pieces." Cynder said and lifted herself on air. Spyro unleashed his fireball towards orc near him. orc tried to cover himself with small buckler but the blast shattered his poor shield and orc looked his numb arm in disbelieve, turned his angered gaze back on Spyro and threw his spiky club towards Spyro. Spyro dodged flying club to left by flapping his wings strongly and before he landed back he fired another fireball on unarmed orc doing fatal hit on him. Cynder stole orc's lifted club below her and dropped it on another orc who barely dodged that and groaned back angry. Sparx flew down to battleground enchanted by two dragon's fight and bunched his fists on air like boxer.

"Yeah! Take that! Uppercut! Haha! You ain't match for me!" Sparx yelled. orc head slowly rose behind him, groaned quietly and Sparx felt suddenly unsecure and looked behind.

"Uh oh... AAAAAAAAAAAHH!" Sparx flew back atop of mushrooms as orc ran towards Spyro. Spyro heard Sparx yell, turned around and breath some icebullets on charging orc finishing his foe with ease. Cynder lanced towards orc with buckler and just before impact she pulled up and breath poison mist on orc. orc tried to cover himself with his shield but it where useless as mist reached his eyes. orc groaned in pain, dropped his sword and shield, held his arm on his eyes and ran around aimless.

"We need to go after Edgard now or we might lose him!" Cynder shouted from air.

"You're right but we can't risk letting orcs left behind. They might catch us up when we fight Edgard or even warn camp about our presence."

"Then let's end this with haste!" Cynder shouted and landed middle of group of three orcs and began gathering energy for furyattack. orcs didn't realize the danger and tried to hit Cynder with their clubs and swords but before any of their strikes landed, Cynder unleashed her shadowfuryattack sending all three orcs flying backwards several meters. Last scattered three orcs realised they where dealing with enemies too great for them and began to flee after their leader and camp. Spyro lifted himself on air and flew after them and Cynder followed Spyro's leisure. Spyro flew just above ground dodging upcoming mushroom's stems and breathe fire upon first orc he catched up. Cynder took herself above mushrooms and went after third orc. She lunged towards third one between mushrooms and hit orc on his back making orc fall on his face and before orc recovered from her attack, Cynder breath acid upon him. Spyro got up with second orc and landed on his back. Spyro emped his tooth deep into orc's throat and started to tear orc with his strong claws. Cynder flew back to Spyro and saw Spyro's successful chase. Sparx flew came to them as well panting a bit

"You... You know you should stop being a hero for once bro. If not your sake then mine's." Sparx said while trying catch his breath

"You're allright?" Cynder asked as Spyro rose his head.


"Your throat is still bleeding. Stay still I'll take care of it."

"There is no time. We need to go after Edgard."

"This will take just a second. Mind yourself, this may hurt a bit." Cynder said and licked Spyro's cutwound with some of her poison. Spyro hissed a bit but tried to stay still and bleeding stopped.

"Now we can go" Cynder said and turned around

"Cynder?" Spyro said.

"Yes?" Cynder looked behind her.

"Thank you."