Evolution Part I: Chapter Eighteen

"and also the golden-lab next to him." that particular dog was as big as the yellow lab next to him. both were snoring softly already, intent on sleeping out the storm.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Seventeen

I hadn't meant to speak because i knew he couldn't possibly understand me, but my brother yapped at me, turned a circle then jumped up again with his paws on my shoulder, excitedly waving his golden tail.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Sixteen

And so terrier-face and fatty became my betas. A plus side to dog politics was that once everyone knew who was in charge, people readily accepted the roles assigned to them and there was only very infrequently any bad blood between us. Promoting the...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Fifteen

I went to go lie down in the shade under the canopy over the fountain. Several dogs lay nearby, eager to lick the wounds covering my body. They were already trying to worm their way to better positions in the hierarchy by subservience to the new Alpha....

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Thirteen

It didn't help that given my gargantuan stature, i stuck out like a great, golden thumb. but my dog brain had a certain way of working. i kept wondering to myself why i was letting such a smaller dog keep bossing me around.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Eleven

I was badly hurt after the fight. When the shepherd-lab finally removed his awesome bulk from my body, he and everyone else ignored me. I didn't dare to move because it hurt so much. My neck and my leg were bleeding freely, but I'd also been crushed...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Ten

I brooded on the thought of my stolen squirrel most of the night. I wasn't hard. I could hear the lab shepherd chewing greedily on the gristle of it like chewing gum on the other side of the yard. The sound of it made my blood boil. So much so that the...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Nine

They were goldens like me, and looking back in memory, they may have even been my litter mates. but it didn't matter to me. i moved forward and left getting out of the way (or not) to them.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Eight

I didn't know it yet, but my diet had quite the opposite effect on my life than I'd intended. It, in fact, had set me on course to match with the very largest of dogs who lived in the yard. The humans never came out and said it (well, they might have,...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Seven

I'd look at my own shaggy golden fur covering my body, the round belly, and stubby legs, like my brother's but so much larger, almost as if i were a photo on a computer and someone had dragged the corner, amplifying my size evenly in all directions.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Six

I didn't roughhouse for a week after I'd suffered my defeat at the fangs of the brown lab. As for my relationship with my antagonist, it was little different than how it was before. He held no grudge against me nor I him. I showed him deference when...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Four

By the time I was eighteen weeks old, the pen had become as much a home to me as anywhere else I'd been in my life and in many ways it was far superior to the now fuzzy memories of mother and her sweet milk. I was feeling more and more adult, and that...

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