Born of Chaos Ch. 4

Discord pulled at the strings, making the ponies dance and to his fancy. and his fancy was quite, shall we say, crude. the way he was moving the three was not in ways that good ponies did in public. or barely even in privacy.

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Destruction of Thought

fancy a real treat, now that your minds blown? try believing apathy, senses numb. but you cant. for you still feel, it is shown. running out, your soul has ousted its thumb.

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Dice Roll Program

Nothing fancy, just something i found useful for d&d style dice rolls if anyone's interested. it can do d2, d3, d6, d8, d10, d20, d100 with one button.

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TMF-Ep32-Lionheart manor-

#32 of the magic fighters teenagers in a fancy house for a weekend? sounds like fun.

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The Guardians of Time Ep 16 Training

They did not have fancy outfits or moves... things just felt more uniform to them and how it was very hard not picking this up.

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DoC-Ep30-Ending the Shattered Nightmare-

Lastly, the team grows up and enjoy the rest of their summer break with their new fancy necklaces dear treasures of those adventures they had gone one back in the summer of 2017.

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They also explore the very small dungeon as it was empty with no monsters to fight, with the place empty they left thinking the experience they went through was some dream or some sort of fancy cgi.

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"The Date."

After a moment, her smile widened to that of the iconic, tricksy haunter grin of hers as she disappeared suddenly from her branch, an idea having sparked her fancy. "hmm.. where is she? could she be running a little late?"

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In Motion

_ **trust arden** _ not bad, but still a little too fancy. he knew what the first page of the journal should look like. didn't mean he couldn't fancy it up. not like he didn't have time to kill right now. fuck!

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Bani Lore! Mr. Milk.

Collects: coffee mugs and fancy cream containers. most of which come from the scavenging crew. dislikes: when others touch or get into his collection of coffee mugs.

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Character Sheet - Alexandria Bloodmoon

Just never expect her to dress up fully, or wear anything that might make her look cute and/or fancy.

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where i came from part 3

Its a fifty one round mag. it fires some fancy bullet supposed to be able to pierce body armor. my hand gun fires the same bullet." "no lasers?"

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