In Motion

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#3 of First Times

Here's part three of the First Times Saga for . The two Bryces have been making their plans and now it's time to put them into motion.

How will Eighteen get backstage to the concert?

What is Thirty-Six's plan?

Will Twelve get a high score???

All this and more, or less, answered this time.

See more personal stories and things like this on my patreon over at

Again, I apologize because there are segments where I used a special font. Which sadly doesn't show up here.


This was cool. No, it was beyond cool! Bryce gripped the arms of his chair tighter as the world about him lurched and swayed. It was some sort of VR thing, but way beyond anything he'd imagined. It looked and felt so real, he could feel the wind through his fur as he raced down the mountainside. Didn't even need a controller! This was something straight out of some sci fi thing.

Well... suppose it was like eighty-something years in the future.

Arden had said they'd picked it up to entertain their grandkids when they came to visit. Which meant it was probably an older console. Something in his gut told him that grandparents were always the same. Pretty cool, but a little behind the times on the good stuff. Didn't matter to him, this was baller as hell!

"I know, but you know how your father has been." the voice was low, barely even a sigh. Bryce's ear twitched against the slightly-ill fitting earpiece. A thought made the screen shift a bit. The game pausing as a window popped up, showing the room in blue-grays. Arden was sitting at the dining room table, leaning over his tablet. There was the barest hint of smile on the buck's face, "Just happy to see him up and about." A quiet laugh and shake of his head, "Oh I'm sure he'll be fine. You know how quirky he is around his birthdays." The smile faded, "I know. I hope..." Arden got up and wandered out to the balcony.

Bryce leaned back in his seat and turned off the camera. He tried to focus on the ski course before him, but... Something in Arden's tone was bothering him.

He ears the headset back and looked around. Arden was on the balcony, back to him, and talking to his tablet. Savannah was idly browsing something on another tablet. One ear turned towards him, and the other the balcony.

"Hey, Savannah?" Both ears turned to him, "You said earlier I hadn't been on my feet in a while. What happened?"

She nodded, "Yeah. You had your fall seventy-three days ago. Slipped in the shower. Got you cleaned up and taken care of. You've been fading in and out of consciousness ever since. Some days are bad, others are good." Her muzzle broke into a broad smile, "I'm glad to see you're having a good day today, Honey. Certainly done Arden a world of good to have you up and about."

Bryce nodded and lowered the headset again. Just staring at the pause screen for a moment. He wondered if there was any like photos or something he could look at. Was actually curious about what his life with Arden had been like, or would be like, or...

**Accessing Family Album**

He jumped at the text. The game smoothly shut down and a file leapt at him. A thick photo album that opened and began to spew forth photos. Hundreds, thousands of them. They spiraled about him before arranging themselves neatly in the air. Walls sprang up from the ground, benches slid into place, and each picture earned its own frame.

In seconds, Bryce found himself at the center of a virtual museum. Halls branched off from him, some simply dates. Others were labeled:Social Media Posts, Children, Vacation, and so forth.

Where to start? "Eenie, meenie," he counted off the halls and started down one at random. An older Bryce getting fitted for a tuxedo, looking awkward. A younger looking Arden posing with his suit, looking dapper. The two of them in a field. Dozens of people in the foreground, but the focus was on them. Joyful tears in their eyes as they stood, frozen in that moment.

"The media had a field day with that."

Bryce jumped. The bull snorted and leaned forward in his chair, trying to act like he was snowboarding again.

Soft fingers framed his muzzle and lifted the visor, "Bryce, I can see what you're doing." Arden nodded towards the wall-sized TV, "It's okay." Arden smiled as he moved around the bull to the couch. Lightly cradling the headset as he looked wistfully to the photos. The museum faded, turning into a slowly transitioning slide show.

"What was he... what will I be like?" Bryce's nose crinkled as he thought about how to phrase it.

Arden sniffed. Wiped at the corner of his eye, "Oh I don't want to bore you." There was that smile again. Charming, brilliant even, but it didn't reach his eyes, "It's your birthday and you're in the future. Enjoy it!"

That look in his eyes. Bryce had seen it before. His Grandma had died a few years ago and Grandpa had that same sad, distant look in his eyes a lot. Only time he seemed like his old self was when he told stories about Grandma. But he... Old-Bryce was still here. That look still bothered him. Arden had been nice all day, and he couldn't stand that sorrowful look. It pulled at his heart and made him squirm uncomfortably.

"What if I wanna hear some stories about myself?" his ears pinned back, realizing just how much he sounded like a whining child. "If you wanna tell them, that is."

"Sounds like you're trying to get a few hints about your future." Arden's smile seemed more genuine, "Bryce, my Bryce, did warn me about spoiling too much." The old buck's eyes drifted to the screen. He and the bull sharing their wedding cake. Laughing with friends. Bryce standing tall and proud, Arden leaning into his chest, the pair mid-dance.

Arden sighed, "There were a lot of good times, plenty of bad, some exceptionally wonderful times. We were... I don't want to say perfect for each other. We weren't." He looked over at Bryce, "Anyone that says they are the perfect couple is lying. What matters is sticking with it. Trying your best no matter what." He reached towards Bryce's hand, stopped, and started to pull back.

Bryce reached out and took Arden's, just gently cupping it. The buck gave him a sad smile and squeezed. "My Bryce loved to figure things out. He told me many times that he knew how his story ended. The fun part was finding out how to get there. It became a game with yourself sometimes. Leaving little notes, cryptic clues, making the password on your computer something silly. Oh the list goes on."

He laughed and reached towards the screen. A few flicks of his fingers changed the picture. Sorting through dozens before coming upon one of Bryce holding a scrap of paper. A wide smile on the bull's muzzle. A smaller bull with dark brown fur stood at his side. On his shoulders, a deer with jet black fur leaned over his head. An older horse, still a child, stood at his side and leaned in to read the paper.

"You left a game for yourself one day. I'd meant to get the kids ready and out to a theme park, but Jansen found out that you had a game planned and begged to go along."

Bryce's ears perked forward slowly. "You said we adopted them, or something right?"

"We adopted Aria," he pointed towards the draft horse. "We were talking about adopting more when the news hit. A new medical breakthrough for same-sex couples. Provide some samples to a clinic. The doctors do their thing, find a surrogate. Then nine months later," he waved a hand towards the picture as it changed. Saphir and Aria running in the background. Bryce leaning against a tree with another note, Jansen tucked against his side. The fawn dozing against Bryce.

They fell silent for a second before Arden cleared his throat. "It was fun to watch. Bryce would start planning for his birthday for weeks, sometimes months. The kids got in on it too, so Bryce started cooking up little games for them too. There were times when Bryce came up with plans that were utterly..."


Okay, so I have to disguise myself as a drug dealer. There's no other choice.

Bryce stopped writing in The Journal and looked around. He was at a cafe near his town home. Thirty-Six had printed out a handful of menus for him and left notes in the margins. Letting him know what each place was good for, what they were bad about, and what he had to try.

This place, Fernando's had been listed as having great, simple food; a place where he could write; and something called a Chocolate Cake Shake. Honestly, those last three word were enough to sell him on the place. So he'd grabbed some supplies, the wallet that Thirty-Six had laid out for him, and headed for the door. Only to have Ace remind him about The Package, and ask if he wanted his laptop. Turns out his PC wasn't so much a desktop as it was a dock. Cool as hell.

He'd spent most of his morning browsing the web. Thirty-Six had am incognito search engine bookmarked called "I'm a Writer, I swear." Had to be some sort of joke there, but he was thankful for it. Especially when he'd spent the better part of his morning researching everything he could about how to get into the venue.

Arden was performing tonight, but he was a couple towns over. Meant that Bryce had to find some way to get there. That was easy enough, there was a train connecting the towns and plenty of bus routes, not to mention ride sharing. He'd found something cooler though. The hard part would be getting backstage. He couldn't just buy a ticket and walk back there. Every backstage pass was well beyond his means, well not without charging thousands to Thirty-six's card. Sure, that'd be the easy way, but it wouldn't be as fun. Not to mention the fact that he couldn't fathom dropping that much cash on anything that might be faked.

God, was he getting excited by the thought of trying to sneak past security? That alone would be thrilling, but doing it while dressed as a drug dealer? Well... he didn't want to go full Pinkman. Didn't figure that superstars had someone waltzing in, calling people bitch, and not having that raise a million red flags. He knew next-to-nothing about security and even he knew that would be suspicious as fuck.

No, he was going for more the mobster, corporate type. Suit jacket, shirt partially unbuttoned, and what he hoped was a 'don't fuck with me' attitude. Some research had turned up that if you just acted like you belonged somewhere, then people would let you in. Certainly seemed better than trying to slip in as a repairman.

As it turned out, he'd even kind had the outfit. Thirty-six had a pretty well stocked closet. Not a lot of things he'd normally wear. It wasn't until he'd looked at himself in a mirror that he realized how good he looked in a suit.

Not to mention how buff he was. Not like bodybuilder ripped, but certainly more along the lines of a Brick House build. Football had kept Bryce more mobile and agile despite his size. What good was being big and strong if he couldn't keep up with people? Years of doing, oh what was Thirty-Six doing around now? He vaguely recalled stuff for Arden and writing on the side. Fun part of having foreknowledge of the future? Made one a wonderful futurist. Add a little flare and tada, hard sci fi.

But yeah. Didn't mean that his older self skipped leg day at the gym. No wonder one of his older selves had been able to go have a 'chat' with Dad. Why if he wasn't already on a mission...

A chime, "You asked me to remind you when you should leave?"

Ears perked as he looked at the display on his wrist, "Already? Shoot."

"Would you like me to bring the car around?

Self-driving cars were cool as hell, "Sounds good to me."

"It will be here in three minutes. Don't forget your laptop."

"Thanks, Bud." Bryce bundled everything up, stuffed it into his bag, and took off for the front door.


"Silly," Arden finished with a smile. His gaze drifted over the journal pages before them. The buck leaned forward with a quiet groan. "I remember a time where I thought you had something wrong with you. Go to bed, wake up a different person. Eventually, you showed me the journal and I thought it was an elaborate joke. I didn't take it seriously, you got upset, and we had a fight."

Bryce's ears perked as he watched the buck carefully start to arrange and stack the pages. "Then something happened and I realized it was the truth. I might not have fully understood it, but I wanted to. So we," the buck smiled, "made up. Had a talk about it. Then we opened a bottle of wine, sat down, and went over everything."

Arden's gaze grew distant as the buck looked at the pages. Past them. Reflecting on whatever memories he had forged with Bryce over their life. "Oh Bryce," he breathed out and ran his fingers over the first page. The buck bit his lip and dipped his head. "You... he... my Bryce warned me that this day was coming. I thought it was strange he'd do something like that. Never imagined just how hard it'd be to sit here and talk with you. To see you at the beginning of our journey." He leaned back with a sad smile, 'Never thought I'd want to live my life over again. If only I could..."

He trailed off. Arden produced a handkerchief and wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry, Young'un. Don't want to ruin your Birthday. Just harder than I thought it'd be."

"Could you share some?" Bryce turned the wheelchair towards Arden. "Just between us. I wanna hear some of your favorite things." He grinned a little, "What big adventures did we go on? Best vacations?"

"You want to know how many times you've saved my hide, hmm?" Arden tapped Bryce's nose with a smile. "Get a little insider information on things?"

The buck fell silent as he fitted the ancient cover over the journal. Carefully applying another layer of heavy tape to the cover. The once-fine leather showing the residual adhesive from countless other repair attempts. "I suppose it couldn't hurt to tell you one or two stories." Arden offered a sly smile. "You want adventure, young buck? Well how about the time that you..."


_ Trust Arden _

No, Bryce grumbled to himself as he scratched through the words. That was way too fancy. Sure it looked great, but it was kind of pompous. He wanted to convey that he should trust his love, not worship him. There was a difference.

The large Angus looked up and cast a quick look around. He was leaning against the wall of a bus stop, waiting on the Number 12 to come through. Fuck, he forgot how much he hated public transport. If the buses weren't late, they were crowded or rode rough. He was really missing his car right about now. Just tell Ace where he wanted to go, sit back, and keep a half-eye on the road. Sure, legally you had to keep both hands free and ready to grab the wheel. But there hadn't bee a self-driving crash in nearly a decade.

Couldn't blame Eighteen for that. The tech was still a few years out from being widely public. Not to mention that he didn't have much right now. Hell, he would've been happy to even have his electric skateboard. At least that would get him on the move.

Not that he didn't have plenty of time. Still hours until he had to be at the club for tonight. Just... well he was starting to get nervous. Fuck, he hadn't been this nervous in a very long time. No reason he should be. Tonight was the night that he and Arden meet for the first time. Well, the first time Arden meets him. Had to be. Thinking back, he remembered falling asleep on a bench and waking up in a much better situation. Tonight should be fully set.

_ Trust Arden _

Not bad, but still a little too fancy.

He knew what the first page of The Journal should look like. Didn't mean he couldn't fancy it up. Not like he didn't have time to kill right now. Fuck! He wanted to just call a ride share and be done with it. None of those took cash and he didn't have a card. Real shame that he couldn't just pay with his phone, but those still needed some way to get to his bank. A card or something would take days, weeks to verify. So cash it was.

_ Trust Yourself _

Those were the wisest words he could ever tell himself. Though hardly what he could leave on the front page. It would work for the rules though. The bull's ears perked as he flipped the page and started to write.

Rule 1: Trust Yourself.

Underline that a couple times. No help like self-help. Which he'd certainly done a lot of today. Well, he'd set himself up to help himself. If that made sense. There were a dozen notes in his phone: pages on writing courses, music and movies he should look up, self-defense, so on and so forth. Everything that he could think to provide himself for his future.

_ Trust _

The bus to show up ten minutes late.

Bryce gathered his things and shuffled on with the others. The bull found himself a quiet seat and tucked in against the window. Knee braced to the seat in front of him as he lifted The Journal and started to write. Only to immediately have a lurch blot the page, blurring out his illumination. The bull growled and grumbled under his breath.

Just admit that you're nervous,_he chided himself. _This is literally your first date with Arden. The day where everything happens.

Yeah he was fucking nervous. The bull took a deep breath, held it, and let it go. His eyes narrowed as he started to scratch at the page. Not writing this time, just letting the pen tick against the paper in quick little hashes. Something to do to keep his hands busy while he thought. He had everything set for today. Dwell on the plans too long and all he'd do was stress himself out. Honestly, what could he do beside triple check everything again?

Rule 2: Mind your heart. Dad has a bad ticker and you've got some of the same issues.

Rule 3: Watch the sodium and fats.

He thought back over the gut he'd been working hard to get rid of and winced.

Rule 4: Stay in shape.

These were hardly rules for his powers and more tips on life in general. The bull sighed and narrowed his eyes as he flipped back and resumed darkening the first page. Not that he'd ever had many hard and fast rules. Much like the rules that wound up being in this book, he mostly made it up as he went along. Honestly, that's about all he could do when he got down to it. There was no set road path for his life. Just mile markers he knew he'd hit along the way.

Although that was a problem he always had. Too often he let himself fall into complacency. Just because he knew what the future would hold didn't mean...

He looked up as the bus slowed. This was his stop. Bryce slung his bag over his shoulder and hopped off. His destination was right down the street. A line was already starting to form outside the Mystic Escape. Shockingly, less a club and more a bar. Mostly college students, people in their early twenties. Big as he was, it was pretty easy to fit in with the group. Especially since he cleaned up nicely.

Small problem. They served booze, so legally no one under twenty-one. Stupid law, he was so glad they'd changed it. Not for another ten years though.

First thing was stashing his bag. The bar probably wouldn't let him in with it. Safety concerns and all that. Besides, he didn't want to risk it getting stolen or left behind. It took a few minutes of wandering before he found what he was looking for. Near-ish to the bus stop was a travel locker place. A little chat with the clerk and a few bucks later, he was on his way back to the bar. Bag safely locked away with the fob in his pocket.

By the time he'd made it back, the line was moving. The bull perked his ears as he hurried along. Nerves fluttering in his gut as he started to think. Okay, so he had no real plan on how to get in. There hadn't been time to get a fake ID, not a good one. He knew that bouncers were only people. Try not to be an asshole, maybe offer some cash, and they'd look the other way. Failing that, he could always slide around the alley and try to bribe someone there. He had worked security for Arden long enough that he knew these buildings had a dozen ways to get in. Just had to...


His ears perked as he glanced at the bear curiously. The bouncer's eyes had skipped right past him and were looking behind him. His focus clearly on a mouse that was glancing about nervously. "W-what?" the mouse squeaked.

The bear stepped past Bryce and growled, "Show me your ID."

Not one to let the opportunity pass him, Bryce stepped past them. His ears on a swivel as he approached the door. Smooth gait, act like you belong here. He'd made it past the first bouncer, just had to get through the door. Which was easier done than said. The vixen there took his cover charge with a practiced smile. Though her attention skipped past to where the bear was giving that mouse the third degree.

Bryce took a deep breath. Good. Now all he had to do was...


Walk through the door. Just walk through the goddamn door.

Bryce lingered in the alleyway longer than he should have. The bull's nose all but stoppered against the pungent aroma there. At least, it was pungent to him. That foul blend of trash, fetid water, and countless heavy vehicles. He was starting to feel like a bit of a creep. Just lingering there in the half-shadows, watching as crew filtered in and out of the back door. All while two very large guys, a rhino and an elephant, alternately glared and greeted people.

In the few minutes he'd been watching, they'd turned away at least a dozen groupies. The guys were good, not even flinching as one guy waved a handful of cash at them. Meant that they were good. Well trained and well paid. Also probably meant that he'd have a bitch of a time slipping past them. Hell, they probably had seen the 'I'm just part of the crew' act a million times by now.

Nerves clawed at his gut as he stood there. The large bull chewed on his bottom lip as a quiet groan lifted up his throat. Just a soft little low of distress. Was this a good idea? Shouldn't he back off now and just forget about it? Let Thirty-six handle all this shit? It was his problem after all.

Bryce shook his head. No. First rule, trust himself. He could do this. Not to mention the Sixth Rule, if another Bryce asks you to do something, put in your best effort. Didn't mean he had to do it, but he should at least try. Hell, if it hadn't been for his Older-Self's encouragement, he wouldn't have found some of his favorite entertainment. Certainly no Frank Sinatra, Beetlejuice, or Dresden.

He took a deeper breath, squared his shoulders, and sauntered towards the door. Not too fast, not too slow. He found himself keenly aware of just how quick he was approaching the door. His gaze fixed on the heavy steel door rather than the two guards flanking it.

The elephant noticed him first, "Hey," she grumbled quietly, "what are you doing here?"

Her companion looked as she spoke up. The rhino squinted against the dark before brandishing a flashlight, "You supposed to be here?"

God, Bryce felt like his heart was about to explode. They had to be able to hear just how hard it was thudding in his chest. Calm,_he breathed, _be calm and be sure. You belong here."Yeah," he drawled quietly. Nodding towards the door, "Supposed to be in there." They cast a look towards each other. Bryce slowly reached for his jacket and opened just enough to let them see inside. The elephant leaned over as he pulled up the package just enough to let her see where Arden's name was written. "Can say I'm expected."

She looked over to her companion, "What do you think, Harry?" He shrugged in response and just leaned back against the wall without a word. "Good enough for me." Heavy, scarred knuckles rapped twice on the door. It popped open to reveal a rather dainty dormouse. "Arden's got a guest."

The mouse pushed up her glasses and sighed, "Wondered when you'd get here. Come on." She ushered him inside and was off. Barking at someone else to take over door duty.

Oh God, he really was a drug dealer wasn't he? The way Thirty-six had been talking, it seemed like he wasn't in touch with Arden at all, but to be expected? Fuck, how long had he been feeding his poor buck's habit? Out of everything he'd heard, there'd never been a mention of drugs or rehab or anything like that. There had to be though. Seemed like every star got into it at some point. Maybe they just never talked about it? I mean, why would they want to? He knew that if he were...

"Right through here," the dormouse pushed a door open. She stepped aside and bellowed, "Arden, Guest!" with a volume that shocked the bull.

There he was. Bryce felt his heart skip a bit as Arden turned to look at him. The buck was dressed for his show. Jeans that hugged his body, a plain button down shirt with the top couple buttons open, and vest. His antler nubs were brightly polished stainless steel. Several sets of showy antlers hung around the room. Natural ones made from shed antler. Others made from various woods: ebony, mahogany, and more exotic materials. Metal, leather, sequins, it was more than he could've imagined.

Arden stared at him a moment before leaning over, "Sherry, the fuck?"

"Don't ask me," she huffed back at him, "Harry and Annette let him in. Not my problem. Especially not five minutes before curtain." She turned and screeched, "MARTIN! Martin, where the hell have you..." her voice faded as she took off. Without her to prop it open, the door swung shut, nearly catching Bryce's tail as it latched.

Now Arden turned his full attention on Bryce. There was a cold fury in the buck's green eyes that Bryce had never seen before. It would have driven him back a step if the door wasn't there to block him. "Well," he huffed as he turned to the mirror. "You heard her, You've got four minutes before I have security toss you out. And not your poker buddies either." The buck's voice dropped to a grumble, "Knew I should've tossed them when I dumped you."

Bryce's felt his heart skip. Arden had dumped him? What had Thirty-six done? Or what hadn't he done? Ah crud! Of course now he remembered that that he was Arden's bodyguard, why didn't he just bluff his way in? Should have listed everything he knew. Fuck, there were a million questions there. Too many to really think about. He was on the clock. Had to focus on what he could do right now.

"I..." he swallowed and pilled his ears back. "I'm sorry."

Arden was out of his chair and across the room in a flash. "You're sorry?" The buck got right up on him, lips curled back in a snarl. Despite being over a head shorter, he drove the large Angus back with sheer force of his presence. Arden's scent stung at his nostrils. The buck wore something that made the bull want to snort and clear his head. He couldn't even do that as his throat tightened up. "That's it? We're together eighteen-fucking years and that's all you have to say." His ears folded back as he uttered a mocking simper, "I'm Sorry, Arden. I tell you that I'm ready to tell the world about us. And _ YOU _," he jabbed Bryce's chest with a finger, "Tell me it's not time? What? Eighteen years of sneaking around behind everyone's back, risking everything I have and made, and it wasn't fucking time?

"Then, then I ask you why what do I get? You show me your fucking diary. Some big fucking prank about why we can't get married cause it's not time." This was a side of Arden he'd never seen before. He'd seen his buck upset before, and he'd seen some of Arden's movies, but this? Arden was furious. "Well guess what. I'm not laughing so you," another jab that rocked Bryce back into the door, "can just turn your happy ass around and start walking." His ear perked as he jabbed again, finger hitting the edge of the package. "What? Did you bring that fucking book along with you?"

Bryce fumbled his jacket, "Nnnn," he stammered, breath coming in short gasps. Memories came rushing down. His father pinning him to a wall, yelling at him. His body braced for the blow that would dent the wall. _Keep it together,_he tried to calm himself. "No, I brought you something."

He barely had time to pull it out before Arden snatched it away. "What? Oh this is fucking cute." He took a step back and held it up. "Arden's Indulgence?" The buck rolled his head, "Think you're so adorable that you can just waltz in here, offer me a," he ripped the wrapping away and froze.

Bryce had never seen someone turn that shade of red before. He was certain that the buck was about to explode.

"Ard..." a sharp look made his jaw snap shut.

The buck tucked the paper back around the package. Laid it on his dressing table. "SHERRY!"

As if she'd been waiting for that, the door flew open. Arden kept his back to Bryce as he spoke. "I want security in here now." When she lingered, "NOW!"

Oh. Oh he'd fucked up and he didn't know how or what he did. Bryce stepped forward, "Arden, please..."

"Not. One. Word." Arden clenched his fists, shoulders shaking as he hunched forward. "I. Have a show to do." Heavy footsteps were his only warning before heavy hands closed about his biceps, "Take him to the dark side. Off stage. Not a word from either of you, or I'll have you kicked out so fast your heads will spin. Sherry, Get me Nate!" Bryce tried to say something as he was hauled back. His last view of Arden was the buck picking a pair of antlers and snapping them into place on his nubs.

Bryce squirmed in the iron-clad grip of the guards. He turned and got the barest glimpse of the elephant and rhino. "He was joking, right?"


Oh he'd fucked up pretty bad hadn't he? He was certainly going to leave some serious words for Thirty-six in the Journal when he was done. Well, at least he wouldn't be the one waking up in the morning, feeling whatever they were going to do to him.

It was hard to see just where they were taking him. His hooves scraped over concrete and bounced over metal as the security pair lead him around the maze behind the stage. Bryce could just make out the sounds of an audience in the distance. Soft murmurings from stagehands and crew as they drug him past. Bryce just slumped in their grasp.

Okay, he had to come up with a plan. He was big and strong, no idea how to fight. Well, some idea. Just some basic self-defense classes back in school that Mom took him to. He knew how to take a hit and could charge through a lot. Thirty-six had been working out a fair bit, he had a lot of muscle mass. Wouldn't be fast, but he didn't have to be. Just had to wait for an opening for when he could break free.

Ears twitched against his horns as he looked around. Just when he felt he had an opportunity, a light flared and the bull squinted against the brightness.